P. 241

Dr.                                         Bank Account                                      Cr.
                        Particulars             Amount `                Particulars              Amount `
             To Balance b/d                          4,500   By Realisation A/c                       2,400
             To Realisation A/c                     53,850   By Kadam’s Capital  A/c                12,750
                                                             By Shinde’s Capital A/c                31,950
                                                             By Kadam’s Loan A/c                    11,250

                                                    58,350                                          58,350

            Dr.                                         Kadam’s Loan Account                              Cr.
                        Particulars             Amount `                Particulars              Amount `

             To Bank A/c                             11,250 By Balance  b/d                          11,250
                                                     11,250                                          11,250

            3.   Shubhangi, Manisha and Shital are partners. They share Profit and Losses equally. Their
                 Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2018 was as follows :
                                         Balance Sheet as on 31 st March 2018.

                        Liabilities             Amount `                  Assets                 Amount `
             Capital Account :                               Machinery                              62,500

             Shubhangi                              62,500   Stock                                  37,500
             Manisha                                37,500   Debtors                               27,500
             Reserve fund                           22,500   Less R. D. D.                         2,500  25,000
             Creditors                              37,500   Bills Receivable                       22,500
             Bills Payable                          12,500   Cash at Bank                           12,500
                                                             Shital’s Capital                       12,500
                                                  1,72,500                                         1,72,500

            On the above date it was decided to dissolve the firm
            The assets realised were as follows :
            1.   Stock ` 31, 250, Machinery ` 37,500, Debtors ` 21,250 and Bills Receivable ` 18,000.
            2.   Creditors were paid at a discount of 2% and Bills Payable were paid in full.
            3.   Realisation expenses amounted to ` 6,250.
            4.   Shital was declared insolvent and 50 paise in rupees could be recovered from her private estate.

                     Prepare : Realisation Account, Partner’s Capital Account and Bank Account.

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