P. 242

Solution                           In the books of Shubhangi, Mahisha and Shital
            Dr.                                         Realisation Account                               Cr.
                    Particulars          Amount  Amount              Particulars         Amount  Amount
                                            (`)       (`)                                   (`)       (`)
             To Sundry Assets A/c                            By Sundry Liabilities A/c
             Machinery                     62,500            Creditors                     37,500
             Stock                         37,500            Bills payable                 12,500    50,000
             Debtors                       27,500            By R. D. D. A/c                          2,500
             Bill Receivable               22,500 1,50,000 By Bank A/c
             To Bank  A/c                                    Stock                         31,250
             Creditors                     36,750            Machinery                     37,500
             Bills Payable                 12,500    49,250 Debtors                        21,250
             To Bank A/c                                     Bill Receivable               18,000 1,08,000
             Realisation Expenses                     6,250 By Partner’s Capital A/c
                                                             (Loss transferred to)
                                                             Shubhangi                     15,000
                                                             Manisha                       15,000

                                                             Shital                        15,000    45,000

                                                   2,05,500                                        2,05,500

            Dr.                                  Partners’ Capital Account                                Cr.
                 Particulars        Shu-     Man-     Shital     Particulars     Shu-      Man-      Shital
                                   bahngi     isha      (`)                      bahn-     isha        (`)
                                     (`)       (`)                               gi (`)     (`)
             To Balance  b/d                          12,500 By Balance b/d       62,500    37,500
             To Realisation A/c                               By General
             (Loss on realisation)   15,000 15,000 15,000 Reserve                  7,500     7,500    7,500
             To Shital’s                                      By Bank A/c                            10,000
             Capital A/c              5,000    5,000
             To Bank A/c             50,000 25,000            By Shubhangi’s
                                                              Capital A/c                             5,000
                                                              By Manisha’s
                                                              Capital A/c                             5,000
                                     70,000 45,000 27,500                         70,000    45,000   27,500

            Dr.                                         Bank Account                                      Cr.
                        Particulars             Amount `                Particulars              Amount `
             To Balance b/d                         12,500   By Realisation A/c                     49,250
             To Realisation A/c                   1,08,000   By Realisation A/c                       6,250
             To Shital’s Capital A/c                10,000   By Shubhangi’s Capital A/c             50,000
                                                             By Manisha’s Capital A/c               25,000
                                                  1,30,500                                         1,30,500

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