P. 55

Adjustments :
            1)   Closing Stock is valued at Cost Price ` 28,000 and Market Price ` 32,000.
            2)   Insurance is paid up to 30  June 2019.
            3)   Outstanding Expenses - Wages ` 800, Salaries ` 700.

            4)   Book value of Plant and Machinery is reduced to ` 13,000.
            5)   Depreciate Furniture by 5% p.a.
            6)   Provide further Bad debts of  ` 800.
            7)   Goods of ` 3,000 distributed as a free sample.

                                  IN THE BOOKS OF KRANTI AND SUMANGALA
                                   TRADING AND PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT
                                          For the year ended 31  March, 2019
            Dr.                                                                                              Cr.
                     Particulars         Amount Amount               Particulars          Amount  Amount
                                             `        `                                       `        `
             To Opening Stock                       32,500 By Sales                        60,000
             To Purchases                  40,000           Less : Sales Return              1,500   58,500
             Less : Purchases Returns       1,000   39,000 By Closing Stock                          28,000
             To Wages                       3,000           By Goods Distributed                      3,000
             Add : Outstanding                800    3,800 as Free sample
             To Gross Profit c/d                    14,200

                                                    89,500                                           89,500

             To Postage                              2,700 By Gross Profit b/d                       14,200
             To Insurance                   7,500           By Commission                               325

             Less : Prepaid Insurance       1,875    5,625
             To Salaries                    4,850           By Net Loss
             Add : Outstanding Salary         700    5,550 (Transferred to Capital A/c's)
             To Depreciation on :                                Kranti                      4,706
             Plant & Machinery              2,000                Sumangala                   1,569    6,275
             Furniture                        625    2,625
             To Bad-debts (Old)               500
             Add : Bad debts (New)            800    1,300

             To Advertisement                        3,000
             (Goods distributed)
                                                    20,800                                           20,800

   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60