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                                                                        e phase was also characterised by consultations
                                                                     and inter directorate meetings aimed at clarify-
                       Scope of work                                 ing issues that will promote synergy and generate
                                                                     new ideas. the phase also had activities of division
                                                                     of labour where the tasks were clarified and ac-
                            he main scope and the mandate of the     commodation team comprising of committees and
                            Directorate is to ensure that eff ective accom-  volunteers were constituted and committees were
                       Tmodation framework and adequate control      recruited and volunteers needs and requirements
                       mechanisms are in place to ensure eff ective and ef-  presented to the directorate of volunteers.
                       fi cient delivery of accommodation services for the
                       championships in conformity with IAAF accommo-
                                                                     During this time, all the accommodation facilities
                       dation guidelines for the World Youth Championships
                                                                     were mapped considering transport, infrastructure,
                       and customized by the various resolutions made at
                                                                     security and protocol factors among others and the
                       the deliberations of LOC meetings.
                                                                     proximity to the stadium and decisions were made
                                                                     as to which hotels can be approved.
                          e specifi c scope of the mandate includes:
                                                                     A total of six accommodation sites were earmarked
                       •   Accommodation venue mapping and option analy-
                                                                     to accommodate guests who included delegates,
                                                                     athletes and technical officials during the cham-
                       •   Preparation of hotel contracts, procurement, ap-
                                                                     pionships. A summary of these is provided in the
                         provals and publishing
                       •   Administration and management of establishment
                         and coordination of athlete’s village
                       •   Establishment and management of accommoda-  table below:                  Guest Category
                                                                              Accommodation Site
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                         tion booking and online registration system
                       •   Advise other directorates on how accommodation
                                                                              The Windsor Golf Hotel
                                                                                                     IAAF family
                         support services can be linked and delivered as an
                                                                              and Country Club
                         integrated service.
                                                                                                     Technical Partners
                                                                              The Safari Park Hotel
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                       Pre-event Activities
                                                                              The Kenya School of
                                                                                                     International Media
                                                                              Monetary Studies (KSMS)
                          is is an elaborate phase comprising of mainly plan-
                       ning and strategy formulation activities including   4  Kenyatta University   Athletes and team
                       meetings and brainstorming on activities that makes                           o   cials
                       up successful accommodation service delivery. It       The Sportsview Hotel,   Local technical
                       also involved fi nancial planning and budgeting and   5  Kasarani              partners
                       putting in place clear schedules of activities and their
                       relationships.    is was illustrated in terms of time   6  The Stadion Hotel  Technical o   cials
                       lines on a Gantt Chart presented at LOC meeting
                       and approved.

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