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                       Introduction                                  housed the 50 IAAF technical staff and the 100
                                                                     Kenyan Athlete legends.
                          e IAAF World under 18 Championship was held on   The Kenya School of Monetary Studies (KSMS)
                       July 12th – 16th 2017 at Kasarani Stadium in Nairobi   housed 30 international media members. KSMS is
                       County.    e event brought together over 2000 del-  located off Thika Super Highway and it is 7.7 km
                       egates from 131 countries.    e World U18 was the   away from Kasarani Stadium.
                       fi nal edition of the global championships for athletes.
                       Among the hotels that were earmarked to host the   Role of IMG
                       Athletes and Offi  cials, IAAF family, the media and
                       technical offi  cials are:                      IMG Kenya was tasked with ensuring all delegates
                                                                     (Team members and offi  cials) were accommodated
                                                                     at the identifi ed venues.  IMG roles included:
                       • Kenyatta University (Athletes Village)
                       • Windsor Golf and Country Club
                                                                     1.  Set up of the accommodation venues: This in-
                       • Safari Park Hotel & Casino
                                                                       volved ensuring the various identifi ed and ap-
                       •    e Kenya School of Monetary Studies
                                                                       proved venues were readily available for the IAAF
                                                                       family and the athletes. IMG was tasked with en-
                       Athletes from the 131 participating countries were
                                                                       suring that the venues were clean, safe and various
                       housed at the Athletes Village in Kenyatta University
                                                                       amenities were all in proper working condition.
                       (KU). Kenyatta University is one of the public uni-
                       versities in Kenya. KU is the second largest public
                                                                     2.  Accommodation and Reservation:  The IAAF
                       university in Kenya and located in Nairobi’s Kahawa
                                                                       Family, VIP’s, Technical staff , athletes and offi  -
                       area on    ika Super highway approximately 20 kilo-
                                                                       cials were accommodated in the following hotels:
                       meters from the Nairobi Central Business District.    e
                       University’s Main Campus is set on over 1,000 acres
                                                                        i.   Kenyatta University (Athletes Village)
                       with a pleasant and serene surrounding conducive
                                                                        ii.   Safari Park Hotel & Casino
                       to academic and intellectual growth.
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                        iii.  Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club
                         During the World U18 Championship, Kenyatta
                                                                        iv.  Kenya School of Monetary Studies
                       University made provision for accommodation fa-
                       cilities that included six hostel blocks with a 2000-
                       room capacity.                                   IMG was charged with the responsibility of en-
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                        suring that respective delegates were accom-
                            e Windsor Golf Hotel & Country Club was se-
                       lected as the ideal hotel to accommodate the IAAF   modated according to where they had reserved.
                       family.    e resort is 15 minutes’ drive from Nairobi’s
                       central business district and 45 minutes from Jomo   3.  Branding and Signage: This involved harness-
                       Kenyatta International Airport.    e hotel is Nairobi’s   ing an eff ective, clear, consistent and evocative
                       leading 5 star golf hotel it has a cluster of impressive   brand portfolio for the IAAF U18 championship.
                       Victorian style buildings with 130 deluxe rooms com-  IMG was tasked with ensuring all IAAF materials
                       prising of twins, doubles, studio suites and cottages   were printed and placed at strategic places at the
                       all overlooking the spectacular 18-hole champion-  event and the accommodation venues.
                       ship golf course.    e hotel has a 16-hour business
                       centre, free Wi-Fi internet access in all rooms and   4.  Accreditation centre set up: IMG was responsible
                       public areas for resident guests, jogging track, tennis   for ensuring the accreditation centre and LOC
                       & squash courts, and heated pool among other fa-  fi nance offi  ce was set up and ready for use before
                       cilities.                                       accreditation commenced.
                         The Safari Park Hotel & Casino which is one of
                       Nairobi’s famous resorts, located along    ika Road   5.  Recreational Centre: It was the responsibility of

                                                    ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 135
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