Page 140 - WU183.indd
P. 140


                          b.  Identifi ed entry and exit points at the massage   ensure the beds were spread on time
                            room                                     9.     e setup of the internet services by Safaricom
                          c.  Identifi ed all the emergency fi refi ghting equip-  was also done in good time during the athlete’s
                            ment’s at the hostels                      championship.
                       16. Housekeeping and Outdoor Cleaning:        Challenges

                          a.  KU was tasked with housekeeping of the athletes    i.   Laundry of linen was delayed because the laundry
                            rooms at the various Nyayo hostels. KU was re-  company was contracted three days to the event;
                            sponsible for ensuring the rooms were cleaned   ii.     e setup of the rooms at the Nyayo hostel was
                                                                        consequently, a delay in delivery of clean laundry
                                                                        back to the athletes village.
                            prior to the check in of the teams
                          b.  Parapet was tasked with cleaning the common
                                                                        also subsequently delayed due to the delay in
                            room areas at the athlete’s village prior to the
                                                                        delivery of linen by the laundry company.    is
                            teams’ arrival.
                          c.  NYS was tasked with ensuring the rubbish and
                                                                        meant - bed would only be made based on deliv-
                            debris at athlete’s village compound was cleared
                                                                        ery of clean laundry.    is was a challenge because
                            after the construction that took place.
                                                                        majority of teams were arriving on the 10th of
                                                                        July 2017 and majority of the laundry had not
                       What worked
                                                                        been picked and delivered by the 7th of July 2017.
                                                                     iii.  The internet services by Safaricom kept fluc-
                                                                        tuating during the fi rst few days of the athletes
                       Kenyatta University had cooperative and compe-
                                                                        checking in.
                       tent staff  that ensured the set up process was done
                       smoothly. The following was effectively and effi-
                       ciently done:
                                                                        which was to be cleared by the construction
                                                                        company before teams arrived. NYS stepped in
                                                                     iv.  The contractor of the Nyayo hostel left debris
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                        to mitigate this.
                       1.  Proper cleaning of the rooms was done by KU
                          staff. They ensured all rooms were cleaned on
                          time and were habitable.

                       2.  NYS ensured majority of the surrounding environ-
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                          ment at the athlete’s village was cleaned prior to
                                                                     1.     ere is need for proper communication to the
                                                                       hosting organization informing them on the agen-
                          the teams’ arrival.
                       3.     e contracted laundry company worked tirelessly
                                                                       cies that are organizing the event.
                          to ensure that the linen and bathrobes were all
                                                                       last minute rush on preparation
                          cleaned and ready for use.                 2.  Contracts need to be formalized in time to avoid
                       4.  Keys to the rooms were sorted out by the   3.  Construction needs to be fi nalized a month to the
                          Housekeeping department at Kenyatta University.   event so as to ensure the cleaning company can
                             ey also provided key racks for use        thoroughly clean the village.
                       5.     e setup of the dining area was done on time and   4.  Rooms needed to be ready a week prior to the
                          the furniture and dressing was also done in good   event.
                       6.     e rooms were all numbered correctly based on   Accommodation and Reservation
                          the fl oor plan provided by Kenyatta University
                       7.     e Stanley Sarova Kitchen were responsible for   IMG was charged with the responsibility of ensuring
                          the provision of food, set up on July    ursday 6th   that respective delegates were accommodated ac-
                          and ready for the guests who had arrived earlier.   cording to their reservations. Below is a breakdown
                       8.  The team on the ground worked tirelessly to   of the Team’s arrival as per dates;

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