Page 138 - WU183.indd
P. 138
1. Created rooming template for rooming of the d. Ensured the smoke detectors at the hostel were
athletes and offi cials working.
2. Roomed all the athletes and offi cials at the Nyayo
hostel with guidance from the floor plan by 10. Confi rmed water supply was adequate
Kenyatta University.
3. Collecting, sorting and arranging the room keys a. Confi rmed the bathroom taps had running water.
in racks as per the 6 Nyayo blocks b. Confi rmed all the bathroom taps had hot water
4. Confi rmed all the rooms on each fl oor had been supply.
numbered according to the fl oor plan provided c. Confi rmed all toilets fl ushing and in proper work-
by Kenyatta University 11. Ensured provision of necessary resources and
ing condition.
5. Tested the room keys, prior to the athletes ar-
riving at the village.
6. Identifi ed all the reception desks at each Nyayo
working tools at the reception desks. The re-
sources included computers, printers, internet,
– is included the entry point, exit point and
lobby area.
stationery and furniture.
12. Laundry: Identified possible areas of laundry
7. Preparing rooms for the athletes prior to their
drop off and pick up and had a schedule for the
check in. e following was done to ensure hos-
13. Medical center:
a. Rooms were cleaned
b. Linen was spread on the beds
c. Amenities such as vanity packs were also placed
would use during the championship.
d. Bed side mats were placed
e. Placement of bathrobes, bathroom towels, hand
b. Identifi ed an area in the gym where water would
be delivered for use by the athletes.
towels, face towels a. Identifi ed medical and gym center that athletes
8. Housekeeping: The following items was con-
14. Catering:
fi rmed to ensure that all the rooms had the fol-
lowing items – Bed, mattress, pillow, two pairs
a. Identifi ed the venue where the kitchen and dining
of sheets, Duvet, curtains & sheers, Mosquito
would be located
b. Identifi ed the entry and exit points at the dining
nets, fl ip fl ops, slippers, chair and desk, lighting
bulb, towels, hand towel, face towel, bathrobe,
bed side mat, vanity pack(shampoo, toothpaste,
shower cap, soap) and power source, c. Identifi ed the emergency exit points at the dining
d. Met with the Chefs and catering team to famil-
9. Identified all the entry and emergency exit iarize the team to each other.
points. e. Ensured the dining area was set up and dressed
with tables and chairs prior to the event days.
a. This included the firefighting equipment was
properly installed. 15. Massage room:
b. Confi rmed that the hose pipes were working.
c. Ensured the emergency exit points had keys that a. Identifi ed massage room, which was located in
worked in case of an emergency. common room 2. e massage room had 23 rooms
that had massage beds fi tted.