Page 147 - WU183.indd
P. 147
What worked Ambulance Services
i. Meals were served on time. ere were 6 ambulance services that were located in
ii. There was adequate food for the Athletes, various places at the village. e Ambulance services
Offi cials, IAAF, LOC and Volunteers. role was to provide patients with transport service.
iii. ere were no food poisoning cases e ambulance services provided 24 hour emergency
iv. e kitchen and dining area were constantly assistance to the teams and residents at the village
kept clean
v. Food was always available as per the timings Massage Area
on the shared meals timetable.
vi. Sarova Hotels provided the highest level of cu- At the village there were 23 massage rooms in the
linary expertise, hygiene standards and service
common room that was available to the athletes. e
delivery personnel.
German team had their own massage room in Nyayo
vii. e dining area was able to host the expected
5 since they were a large team.
viii. e setup of the furniture (Tables, Chairs and
Anti-Doping Services
dressing) was done by Kenyatta University
10 Anti-Doping Educators, three (3) from WADA
and one (1) from IAAF were deployed at the games
village. eir role at the venue was to deal specifi cally
i. e volunteers allocated to the dining area did
with the U18 athletes, where the emphasis was on
not report to their stations.
ii. ere was power outage and no electricity backup
Water Management
iii. During offl oading of the beverages, Sarova was the values-based education.
not cooperative in assisting with offl oading bear-
At the athletes’ village, Coca-Cola supplied drinking
ing in mind; the beverages were stored in their
water and Sodas to the athletes and team offi cials,
during the IAAF World under 18 championships.
Recommendations Water at the Village was fi rst delivered on the 8th
of July 2017 and this was off loaded at the Sarova
i. Provide a backup generator Kitchen. More water was delivered on the 9th of July
2017 and subsequently drinking water and bever-
ii. Ensure meals for the working team are available ages were supplied in plenty at the Village. Water
was distributed to the hostels, gym, common area,
Supervision for Provision of Medical medical center, massage area and Kitchen. Before
Services the water was readily accessible, Sarova used their
bottled water to serve the teams that had arrived.
At the Kenyatta University, medical services off ered
to the athletes. e services off ered were: What worked
• Ambulance services, i. Water was easily accessible to the athletes and
• Physiotherapy services team offi cials at the hostels.
• Anti-doping services. ii. All the common areas such as Gym, medical
center, massage area and kitchen had adequate
ere were 33 medical staff , 6 Ambulance staff and water.
1 Subcommittee member.