Page 148 - WU183.indd
P. 148


                       iii.     e kitchen had suffi  cient water for the athletes   Supervision for Provision of Laundry
                          and team offi  cials.                        services
                       iv.  LOC Secretariat Head of Operations had to in-
                          tervene so that drinking water and sodas could   Ahead of the IAAF U18 championship, the Local
                          be made available at Kenyatta University.  Organizing Committee (LOC) sought a reputable
                                                                     company with the capacity and manpower to carry-
                       Challenges                                    out a 24-hour laundry service for more than 2,000
                                                                     athletes, coaches as well as other relevant parties.
                       i.   All the drinking water and sodas were taken to   In this regard, IMG was tasked with supervising the
                          Kasarani fi rst and then re-distributed to the vil-  collection and drop off  athletes and offi  cials laundry
                                                                     at the athlete’s village.
                          lage which was quite ineffi  cient.
                                                                       Laundry services at the Village were provided by
                       ii.   CocaCola team could not access the athlete’s vil-
                                                                     Pewin Laundry.    e services were within 24 hours.
                          lage when delivering water due to accreditation
                                                                        e dirty laundry would be collected on daily basis
                       iii.  Transport for delivering water was a challenge
                                                                     at 6.00 a.m.
                          and IMG had to use their vehicles to transport
                                                                        e laundry service process was as follows:
                          water to the various points
                       iv.  There was lack of casual workers to help with

                          water supply.    e volunteers were stretched in
                                                                     i.      e athletes would leave their dirty laundry at
                          terms of offl  oading the beverages. At one time,
                                                                         the reception desks
                          about 6 volunteers off  loaded a truck full of water
                                                                     ii.      e athletes listed the items placed in the laundry
                                                                         bags with their name and room number.
                          and sodas
                                                                     iii.      ey would then sign off  that they had dropped
                                                                         off  their dirty laundry.
                                                                     iv.   On return of the clean laundry, the athletes
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                         would then pick up their clean laundry at the
                       i.      ere should be a well written out water manage-
                                                                         reception desks.
                          ment plan
                       ii.   We would recommend that we hire casuals who
                                                                     What worked
                          would help with supply of water to various water
                      EDITORIAL BOARD

                       iii.  Ensure the service crew is accredited in good
                                                                     i.   Pick up of dirty laundry in the morning at
                          time to avoid hiccups at the security gate.
                                                                     iii.     e athletes picked their laundry from the recep-
                       roles                                         ii.   Clean laundry was dropped off  after 24hrs
                       iii.      e volunteers gave their daily updates to the   tion area
                           team leaders and had a proper hand over to the   iv.     e athletes listed items placed in the laundry
                           next shift.                                  bags with their name and room number.
                       iv.   CID volunteers updated the start list on daily
                           basis                                     Challenges
                       v.   ransport provided the bus schedule on a daily
                           basis                                     Laundry services began three days after the athletes
                       vi.   Medical volunteers were also resourceful in terms   had checked in instead of the fi rst day after check in.
                           of supporting the injured athletes
                       vii.  Protocol volunteers supported the team when
                           directing them to their respective rooms.

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