Page 197 - WU183.indd
P. 197
Appendix A
Appendix A
Get engaged and transform your event
Get engaged and transform your event
into a model of responsible, sustainable sport.
into a model of responsible, sustainable sport.
The Council for Responsible Sport has With a strong record of success working • Reporting tools that make it easy to
The Council for Responsible Sport has With a strong record of success working • Reporting tools that make it easy to
measure and document real-world
been instrumental in helping events
with event organizers, we'll help you
measure and document real-world
been instrumental in helping events with event organizers, we'll help you results of your sustainability efforts
pursue the Triple Bottom Line of
around the world divert tons of waste to
results of your sustainability efforts
around the world divert tons of waste to pursue the Triple Bottom Line of as you ultimately work to achieve
recycling and compost, switch to 100%
environmental, social, and financial
as you ultimately work to achieve
recycling and compost, switch to 100% environmental, social, and financial Council Certification.
performance. Engage with the Council for
renewable power, maximize the use of
Council Certification.
renewable power, maximize the use of performance. Engage with the Council for • Use of Council for Responsible Sport
Responsible Sport today and you’ll receive:
local and regional products, offer free
logo across your event’s branding, as
local and regional products, offer free Responsible Sport today and you’ll receive: • Use of Council for Responsible Sport
access for thousands of youth and
logo across your event’s branding, as
• 25 hours of direct consulting support to
well as cross-marketing through the
access for thousands of youth and • 25 hours of direct consulting support to Council’s public-facing outreach and
disadvantaged families, all while providing
help your event achieve a truly
well as cross-marketing through the
disadvantaged families, all while providing help your event achieve a truly media channels.
responsible sports-event model. We’ll
Council’s public-facing outreach and
tens of millions of dollars in positive
review your past and current
tens of millions of dollars in positive responsible sports-event model. We’ll media channels.
economic impact to host cities and regions.
sustainability efforts and craft a specific
economic impact to host cities and regions. review your past and current
plan with established strategies and
sustainability efforts and craft a specific
tactics tailored to your event.
plan with established strategies and
tactics tailored to your event.