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• The accommodation had sufficient ancillary rooms ery of the plan shouldbe assigned to a person with
and spaces for meetings and the services provided to experience in that type of work.
the teams. Accreditation for team entries (athletes and of-
• ere was maximum security. fi cials) was managed via the online entry system on
the IAAF’s website. Entry forms were prepared by
Competition Information Desk the IAAF in consultation with the LOC.
e Athletes Village had a Competition Information Venue Seating
Desk (CID) located centrally near the entrance to
the village. It was operated from the time of arrival Before the LOC allocated seating to key areas, IAAF
of the fi rst team until after the fi nal guest departed. requirement was taken into consideration.
e information desk was suffi ciently equipped to
eff ectively conducts its operations. It was facilitated
e key areas considered were:
• Media seats which was positioned next to the fi nish
• Notice Board
• Telephone Line
• Team seating was at the last bend near the 100m start.
Access was given to fi eld event coaches to seat in the
• List of key telephone numbers
front rows adjacent to the fi eld event areas.
• Suffi cient number of personnel
• VVIP and VIP seating was accommodated closer to
the award ceremony area in the middle of the start and
fi nish of 100m.
Transportation between Athletes Village (Kenyatta
University) and the competition venue was well
managed by the LOC (Transport Directorate). S huttle Publications
buses were available whenever requested by the
e LOC was responsible for producing a list of of-
ficial publications, each with a deadline. Each of
teams. Since all the athletes were accommodated
these publications provided information to one or
at a single location it was easy to transport them to
the training and competition sites. ere was a provi-
Most of the required contents were sourced from the
sion for the movements of baggage and equipment. more of the various groups involved with the event.
Transport timetable was posted on the notice
boards at the Information Desks at the athletes’ vil- Technical Sub Committee.
lage and in the competition venue at the Technical
Information Centre. e offi cial publications include the following:
Accreditation • Team Manual
• Event Guide
e accreditation plan, which was developed in close • Bulletins
co-operation with the IAAF, was designed to deliver • Media Guide
an eff ective system for controlling access to identifi ed • Daily Programmes
areas at the competition venue. • Statistics Handbook
Towards the start of the competition the Technical • Newsletters
team faced quite a challenge getting accredited, the • Volunteer Handbook
process was tedious. ose assigned to control ac- • Results Book
creditation did not understand the priority areas. • Final Report
In future responsibility for the creation and deliv-