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in English. ere were also some staff members who (CID) at the Kenyatta University Athletes Village quite
could speak French, Spanish and Chinese who sup- eff ectively hence ensuring quality service delivery
plemented to the TIC work. to all athletes from all the Participating Countries.
The dissemination of valid and important
The Main functions of the Technical Information Information was available to all accredited Country
Centre included to ensure a smooth liaison between; delegates Pre-Championships during Championships
and post Championship and post Championships.
1. Delegation and Local Organizing Committee The Official results were also disseminated to
2. e IAAF Technical delegates and all the country delegates immediately Delta Tray
3. e Competition Management of the processed them through the Electronic Machines.
Every Participating Country had a pigeon hole at the
Championships, regarding Technical Matters.
technical information Centre for the supply of infor-
mation with copies of results, for timely collection.
e roles included:
The Country delegates could also access results
through the installed CIS Electronic Machines in
• Display on the relevant notice board of offi cials com-
munications to the teams including start list results
the Offi ce. is improved on effi ciency and client
and call room reporting time schedules.
The Technical Information Centre also received
• Distribution of urgent notices to the delegations from
personal implements from Athletes from diff erent
the Technical Delegates and competition Management
countries and handed them over to the Technical
via pigeonholes.
Director for Certifi cation and approval for use during
Disseminate Information in due time on
loss of personal implement during the Championship.
1. Relay fi nals order confi rmations
Since all athletes collected their implement after the
2. Receipt of withdrawal forms the Championships. ere was no registered case of
Championships. is was an indicator prudence and
3. Managing doping control requests
higher level of integrity on the part of the manage-
4. General enquiries
ment of the Technical Information Centre and the
Offi cials deployed.
5. Written appeals and protests
6. Issue copies and Start lists/results on requests
e Technical Information Centre TIC received and
coordinated all the complaints, appeals and protests
in liaison with the video referee located at the HAWK
e Technical Information Centre opened two hours
before the fi rst event of the day was staged every day
eye Offi ce.
and closed one hour after the results of the last event
The Communication walk talkies were issued
of the day were printed. from this office and they enhanced communica-
tion between the Technical Delegates, Technical
Technical Information Centre Report Offi cials, Delta tray, Seiko and the meet Management
Officials. All Referees Managers and Chiefs were
e Technical and Competition Committee manager issued with a radio/walkie talkie on daily basis to
Eliud Wambua established the Technical Information facilitate Communication.
Centre to enhance communication and coordination e display of the Information was done on a daily
of the Championships in compliance with the IAAF basis on the designated notice boards both at the
Competition Rules and Regulations. TIC at the Kasarani Stadium and CID in Kenyatta
e Offi ce was located within the Main Stadium University. ere was provision for language inter-
and manned by 10 Technical Offi cials, 12 Volunteers preters for most of the languages i.e. French, Spanish,
and a manager. e Technical Information Centre was Germany, Chinese and Portuguese among others
linked with the Championships Information desk stationed at the Technical Information Centre.