Page 63 - WU183.indd
P. 63
Field Events Management and the start of the next upon completion for any
individual athlete were observed.
Combined Events 4. In the last event all competitors were put together
and not like in the previous events where they
Combined events were coordinated by Joseph were in groups. e score for each event for each
Mosonik whose duty was; competitor were summed up and the one with
the highest points was declared the winner in
1. To ensure that the competitors of the combined the order of ranking. e competition ended suc-
event were accorded handled accordingly and cessfully.
ensure their participated in a conducive environ- Events
ment of their respective areas of speciality. Make
sure that the event site was okay and ready to be
Pole Vault
used by competitors and that the offi cials were
ready to serve the competitors.
2. Pick up the event recording form the competition
Duties were divided into three sections.
secretary. en inspect the competitors at the call
room and to verify that they were ready to com-
1. Duties done before competition:
pete. At the call room was to pick the lane num-
bers for each competitor and issue them when
Offi cials’ arrival was one hour before the start of
they were ready for the event. ereon oversee
the event where they reported to the fi eld event
the events until the fi nal event of the day
referee for briefi ng and pick up the event record-
3. While in the arena, if an athlete needed to leave,
Mosonik had to accompany them to their desti-
Check the competition site and equipment (in-
nation, e.g. rest room.
cluding the uprights, crossbars, poles, landing
4. He had to ensure that the fi eld event offi cials gave ing form from the competition secretary.
mats, the runway, take-off area and box) for any
each competitor the correct allocated time in long
irregularities or defi ciencies and whether they
jump, high jump, pole vault and the throwing
were set up in the best position for the athletes
events. Had to ensure that the increment of the
and judges, spectators and television viewing and
bar in high jump and pole vault were 3cm and
cooperation with adjacent event.
10cm respectively.
5. Ensure that in the long jump and each of the He assigned judges their duties and areas of work,
throwing events, competitors were entitled to
brief and marshal them to their designated areas.
3 trials only. Ensure the offi cials put the spike in
the correct place in the long jump. Welcome the competitors and announce the order
of competition (jumping order) and to supply a
pair of markers to each competitor. Supervise
Combined Events Venue the warm-up period and announce the starting
height and the increment by which the bar was
1. ere was a lounge for competitors of the com- raised. Record the height at which each competi-
bined event next to the fi nal call room where they tor begun jumping and their initial request for
could rest before taking part in the next event. upright position. en line up the competitors
2. Athletes of combined events were made comfort- in the order of competition for introduction.
able here by being provided mattresses for them
to rest on, beverages, fruits, water and food. Here 2. Duties after the competition:
also athletes were receiving their results of each
concluded event from the competition secretary, • Verifi ed the fi nishing place and fi nal height of each
showing points, they had scored. competitor
3. e 30 minute time span completion of one event • Signed the event record form