Page 58 - WU183.indd
P. 58
Offi cial Clothing To discharge this duty of safety, a detailed plan and
preparations, were carried out in conjunction with
To easily identify the personnel working at the event, the emergency services.
it was LOC’s responsibility to provide offi cial uni- e health and safety plan for the event was estab-
forms. e responsibility required careful planning lished in close co-operation with police and medical
which was to begin well in advance of the event so professionals.
that orders could be placed and fulfi lled. Planning began with a review of applicable regula-
Most of the Technical team did not get their uni- tions, measures in place at the venue and the records
forms. of any incidents that had taken place. Issues that
In an event of this magnitude, the LOC needed to were considered include:
have agreed with the IAAF on the groups that were
• Number of entrances and exits, including display of
to be given offi cial clothing and the specifi c items
clear information about emergency routes and exits
to be supplied.
• Flow of people around the venue and keeping accesses
Normally the groups receiving official clothing
• Security checks conducted at all main entrances
• Use of surveillance cameras and central control room
• IAAF appointed Delegates
• Use of public announcement system about safety and
• IAAF Technical Offi cials (ATOs/ITOs)
emergency issues
• Local offi cials and other event volunteers
• Provision of first aid rooms to provide medical as-
• Local event management staff
• IAAF International Technical Partner staff
A clothing supply list should be prepared showing
the clothing items that should be allocated to each
Event presentation
person. • Provision of suffi cient number of toilets for men and
We had a huge challenge getting clothing for per-
In an IAAF event, it is standard procedure for the
sons performing special duties, for example in the
area of the “Starter Team”.
presentation of the activities that take place in and
Getting offi cial clothing in the right sizes was an-
around the competition area to be lively for the en-
other big challenge. e clothing order should have
joyment of spectators and media audiences and for
the performances of the athletes.
been placed long before the offi cials and volunteers
e presentation was for media coverage that was
are known or appointed, approximate quantities in
the various sizes needed to have been ordered – with
the clothing supplier providing some guidance, based compatible with the television production. It was
a presentation which combined competition and
on past experience. other activities which was taking place at the venue.
LOC should have ensure the area where the offi cial
clothing is stored before its distribution was secure. Elements involved:
Health and Safety
• Audio (announcers, music, crowd reactions),
It was the responsibility of the LOC to ensure that • Video (video screen with TV broadcast and cover-
the environment at the event venue was safe and age of the infi eld announcers action)
compliant with all the provisions and that the wel- • Graphic (scoreboard, start lists and results).
fare of each participant, including spectators were
considered. is included ensuring all necessary steps Co-ordination of these elements was carefully
were taken to protect people from the hazards/dan-
gers related to the events, especially the fi eld events.