Page 59 - WU183.indd
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                       planned and managed by the project team.      •  Swahili Announcer
                            e team from IAAF lead by Florian with backing   •  On-fi eld Announcer
                       of the local commentators managed and delivered   •  TV Camera Operators
                       the schedule of activities and the fl ow of information   •  On-fi eld Co-ordinators
                       to the spectators accordingly.    e interface with the
                       Competition, Technology, Host Broadcaster and      e technical requirements were:
                       Protocol for co-ordination of award ceremonies was
                       fl awless.                                     •  A control booth with a view of the entire stadium
                         Both English and Swahili were used by Florian’s   •  High quality Public Address system
                       team and the local commentators and presenters at   •  Two high quality alpha-numeric scoreboards
                       the venue to disseminate information to the specta-  •  A video screen of +/- 70 m2
                       tors and viewers.
                                                                     •  A video screen mixing desk capable of mixing four
                                                                       diff erent feeds
                       Event Presentation Plan
                                                                     •  A screen with all TV production signals
                                                                     •  Audio connection with the Host Broadcaster Producer
                       Planning was done with the following elements in
                                                                     •  A communication system linking the members of the
                                                                       event presentation team with each other and with the
                                                                       competition Referees
                       •  A Competition Timetable which took athletes, specta-
                         tors and media into consideration.
                                                                     Technical Information Centre (TIC)
                       •  Co-ordination of competition and ceremonies
                       •  Co-ordination of venue information services
                                                                        e main role of the Technical Information Centre
                       •  Co-ordination of event presentation and event start
                                                                     (TIC) was to ensure the smooth link between each
                                                                     team, the organisers, Technical Delegates and the
                       •  Co-ordination of sponsor crowd competitions
                                                                     Competition Management personnel.    ere was a
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     smooth fl ow of technical information to the team
                       To make the concept run smoothly, an elaborate
                       script covering these items and a detailed running
                                                                          e TIC was located next to the team seating area,
                       order, an Event Presentation plan and of every activ-
                       ity that took place at the venue was drawn.    is was   to enable easy access for athletes, coaches and team
                                                                     offi  cials. All accredited team members had access to
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                       prepared in close co-operation with the Competition   the notice boards in the TIC, but only team offi  cials
                       Director and the Media Director.              could pick up information and other items from the
                         It was crucial to have an experienced event pre-
                       sentation team and all the technical requirements.  pigeon-holes.
                                                                          e TIC had a link with Deltatre, the Data Service
                                                                     provider, which handled the entries and produced
                                                                     the results and most of the other technical informa-
                                                                     tion. A printer interface was installed and a copy
                          e event presentation team include:         machine.
                                                                          e number of staff  required for the operation of
                       •  Event Presentation Manager (EPM)           the TIC will depended on the event and the number
                       •  Assistant Event Presentation Manager       of competitors. All the TIC staff  members were fl uent
                       •  Video Screen Operator
                       •  Scoreboard Operator
                       •  Music Producer
                       •  English Announcer

                                                     ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 59
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