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                       Protocol and Hospitality


                            y definition, “protocol” generally refers to   Pre – Event
                            customs and rules of politeness and courtesy
                       Bbetween individuals and society. Following   A. Offi  ces
                       protocol makes our interactions with others more
                       predictable and provides a basic social framework   •  The office requirements were submitted to the
                       within which to cooperate.    e protocol guidelines
                                                                       secretariat that incorporated equipment, furniture,
                       are provided to ensure uniformity and decorum at
                                                                       personnel and consumables.
                       IAAF events.    e LOC Chief of Protocol will liaise on
                                                                     •  Only one staff  at Secretariat as late as October 2016
                       all protocol matters.
                                                                       and in case of sickness nothing moves as noted in
                       Mandate of Protocol and Hospitality Function is to
                                                                       the Protocol meeting of 9th October 2016.
                       oversee the areas pertaining to:
                                                                     •     e LOC retreat at Simba Lodge in Naivasha 0n
                                                                       23 – 25 September 2015 resolved for a protocol
                       •  Arrivals & Departures
                                                                       co-coordinator to be placed at the Secretariat.
                       •  Opening, medals & closing Ceremonies
                                                                     •  The offices were created at Sports Kenya
                       • Flags
                                                                       Headquarters after change of initial plan to have
                       •  Social Functions: Welcome Dinner, Stadium
                                                                       these at the main stadium. Protocol & Hospitality
                          Hospitality and Final Banquet
                                                                       shared an offi  ce with media, Security, Technical
                       •  Excursion Programs
                                                                       and this had 3 desktop computers.    e space was
                       •  Clearing & Forwarding
                                                                       limited for the number of people.
                       •  Import & Export procedures
                                                                     •     e offi  ce requirements as requested for equip-
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       •  Visas & Work permits
                                                                       ment, offi  ce space, furniture and personnel were
                       •  Post Event Reporting
                                                                       not done except offi  ce for volunteers as mentioned
                                                                       above shared and two laptops to the Director and
                       The mandate was carried out in line with IAAF
                                                                       assistant Director including mobile phone for them
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                       Protocol guidelines, IAAF Event Master Schedule
                                                                       and the co-coordinator.
                       and the following clauses of the Event Organizing
                                                                     •  Internet was provided in June, 2017.    e rest of the
                       Agreement (EOA):
                                                                       time the directorate was using private sources for
                       2.3.2 Visa, 4.1.1 conditions of organizing, 4.1.5 Site
                       Visits, 4.2.14 Social Functions, 4.2.15 Hospitality,   internet.
                       4.2.16 Official printed matter/publication, 4.2.19   B. Meetings
                       Taxes, 4.2.20 Public Authorization (waivers), 4.2.3
                       Accreditation, 4.2.22 Progress/Final Report, 4.2.5   Meeting in 2015 on requirements and planning
                       Supply of Tickets, Accreditation and Parking passes,
                       4.2.28 Flags and disasters.                   •  Protocol Meeting at Safari Park Hotel on 21st
                       Other guides were “Government of Kenya procedure   February 2015
                       relating to the Offi  ce of the Patron” and “Ministry   •  Protocol Meeting at Kahawa Barracks in June 2015
                       of Foreign Aff airs requirements”.             •  Protocol & Marketing meeting at Java Hurlingham
                                                                       on 10th June 2015
                                                                     •  Meeting at Riadha House on 1st July 2015 with AK

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