Page 72 - WU183.indd
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• Offi ce of the President on benches at JKIA. is discouraged many not to
• Offi ce of the First Lady go to the Airport including the team of language
• Offi ce of the Deputy President volunteers resulting in delays too due to short
• Ministry of Education, Science & Technology number of volunteers and no translation services
• e National Treasury at all. Same extended to KU Athletes village.
• Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts • e Assistant Director of Protocol sort accom-
• Ministry of Tourism modation at Safari Park hotel but was informed
• Ministry of Foreign Aff airs by Assistant Director Accommodation that that
• Ministry of Interior & Coordination of National was not available.
Government • Food and water. At the beginning of the operation
at JKIA, there was no provision of food and water.
• Kenya Airports Authority
e volunteers had to use their own resources to
• Immigration Services
buy and this was expensive and resulted in some
• KRA Customs & Border Control
being unwilling to work. On 10th July, 2017 there
• National Museums of Kenya
were no volunteers at JKIA as they all were on
• Kenya Wildlife Services
strike and protocol communicated to Head of
• Kenya Ports Authority
Operation who took action. ey were arranged
to start having meals at Pauls Caff e at JKIA using
This team was instrumental in ensuring that
the IAAF accreditation as identifi cation.
the duties allocated to Protocol and Hospitality
• Kitting. The list of volunteers was provided to
Directorate was executed eff ectively. With the ex-
commercial on 7th July 2017 via email after selec-
ception of the volunteers the rest of the team was
not branded with kits before and during the cham-
over to Protocol. e medal ceremonies volunteers
did not receive shoes, socks and caps and this
resulted in them using diff erent shoes that clashed
F. Volunteers tion by volunteers’ department and list handed
with uniform. JKIA volunteers’ kits delayed.
• Transport. ere was no dedicated car or van for
e Protocol & Hospitality directorate required vol-
JKIA volunteers. Cases of late arrival for those
unteers at various points were shared with directorate
coming to JKIA due to lack of transport. Cases of
of volunteers on 19th September 2016.
dropping guests at KU and no transport home or
to Kasarani. On another occasion, seven volun-
• Skills set and experience of volunteers. e re-
teers were stranded at Safari Park Hotel at 01:00
quirements were submitted to Directorate of
volunteers on email on 3rd October 2016 and
at KU and go away refusing to drop them home.
discussed with Volunteers directorate. Languages am. Drivers could drop volunteers with guests
required French, Germany, Russian, Chinese, Some of the vans were too old. e Germany team
Arabic, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. Availability van on arrival broke down and the team had to
of all volunteers was late for those contracted and use another vehicle that was scheduled for other
created work pressures. teams.
• Accommodation. This was extremely poor. • JKIA Training. e training was done on 29/30
Numerous cases of volunteers dropping off teams June 2017 for 100 volunteers by KAA.
late and no accommodation. For instance, on • Payments. ere were delayed payments to vol-
8th July, 2017. Dropped guests at KU at 2 am. No unteers who were complaining. e long-term
accommodation and start dropping off others volunteers still waiting for pay after champion-
until 3.30 am and rise for pick up for 5.00 am ships.
and 08.00am. roughout the championship the • Volunteers issues were noted in IAAF Event
team at JKIA did not receive accommodation at Operations Meeting on July 9, 2017 to Protocol,
the airport. It was cold and some were sleeping Commercial, Transport, Security and Secretariat.