Page 74 - WU183.indd
P. 74


                       l)   Customs form - Spain                     6.  Media Delegates Equipment
                       m)  Commercial Invoice No. 77890 F – 5 copies
                       n)  Packing list No. 3.370 – 4 copies            The delegates’ equipment was cleared with
                       o)  Packing List No. 3.367 – 4 copies           Customs at JKIA upon arrival with the use of
                                                                       waiver letters issued.
                       Vessel in Salalah on trans-shipment. (As on 30th
                       June 2017). Departing Salalah on 12th July to be in   7.  Hawk – Eye Innovations
                       Mombasa on 19th July, 2017.
                                                                        Equipment on temporary importation for
                          e last batch was handed to Bonfi de on July 2, 2017   8.  Flags from IAAF in Monaco to LOC by WES –
                                                                       Technical work marked to Technical Director at
                       as follows:
                       Mondo Documents UPS Tracking Number 1Z 29A
                                                                        KOBA International.
                       00F 04 9100 0078
                       a)  Certifi cate of Origin No. 8520743 –    ree copies
                                                                     9.   Timetronics Equipment
                       b) Air Way Bill No. BCN22280800 – Two copies
                                                                          e process of shipping the equipment was still

                       c)  Form No. 17ES0008011 389518 1 – Two copies
                                                                       in progress when the championships ended.    e
                       d) Packing List No. 3.378 –    ree copies
                                                                       equipment arrived in October 2017 and KRA
                       e)  Commercial Invoice No.77946 F – Five copies
                                                                       duty waiver was not granted.    e clearing agent
                       2.  Advertising Boards for Commercial
                                                                       (Bonfide) communicated to Sports Kenya and
                                                                       Sports Kenya is to progress on the requirements.
                          e board were shipped from Germany.
                                                                     10.   Medical/Doping supplies
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       3.  Athletics Kenya Equipment & Uniforms.

                                                                          e medical equipment was the Anti-Doping kit
                                                                       from Berlinger Special in Germany.
                       a)  Kenya Team selection timing and Photo finish
                          equipment from South Africa on June 23, 2017.
                      EDITORIAL BOARD

                       b) Nike Team Kenya Uniform from China, Vietnam,
                                                                       Correspondences with KEBs, Customs, KPA, and
                             ailand, Indonesia and USA origin.
                                                                        •  KEBS meeting on 7th October, 2016 with Pre-
                       4. Asics Uniforms
                                                                         Export Verifi cation and follow ups
                          e shipments for Asics were from various ports:  •  KEBS meeting on 4th October, 20176
                                                                        •  KPA meeting on 4th October 2016 at Inland
                       a)  Kobe/Osaka – Japan                            Container Deport, Embakasi
                       b) Hochiminh – Vietnam
                       c)  Hong Kong – China                         Correspondences with Treasury, Ministry of
                       d) Shanghai – China                           Industry, Trade & Co-operatives and Transport.    e
                                                                     Assistant Director of Protocol and Hospitality, Mr.
                       5. ICT                                        Douglas Wakiihuri purchased padlocks to ensure the
                                                                     safety of the goods offl  oaded at Kasarani as funds
                       a)  A.F.T.E.R. Computers, printers, cameras and   had not been availed by the Secretariat. His refund
                          consumables from Italy for accreditation.  for the expense is still pending.
                       b)  Screens from Halson Enterprises in Hong Kong
                          imported by Prowatt Enterprises

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