Page 118 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 118
Nyayo 6
15. e housekeeping staff replenished linen (Towels
Countries No of People and beddings) and toiletries (Tissue, Toothpaste,
soap, shower cap, shampoo) upon request by
French 43 the teams.
Kenya 72 16. Bottled water at the village was available.
17. Transport schedule to Kasarani stadium was
Israel 13 posted at the reception desk daily.
18. We issued the teams Shukas, Vikoys, pens and
Total 128
key holders and they were pleased with the gifts.
Nyayo 6: e total numbers of countries in Nyayo 6 were
3 and a total of 128 athletes
1. Volunteer accreditation clearance was delayed
hence the volunteers did not report to their sta-
What worked
tions in good time.
2. ere was a delay in pickup of volunteer uni-
1. Training of volunteers on the rooming process
forms during the event days and this aff ected
and a dry run of the room allocation process.
there reporting to duty.
2. Sorting and arranging keys per block.
3. Pick up of volunteers from Kasarani was delayed
3. We confirmed that all rooms had been num-
due to lack of transport.
4. Volunteers were to receive and direct the athletes
the event day and this aff ected their duty sta-
by country to respective blocks as guided by the
rooming plan. 4. e volunteers were called for meetings during
5. Kuwait team members checked out upon arrival
5. Athletes reported at the reception desk for check
at the village. ey were disappointed with the
size of the rooms and the fact that they had to
6. The athletes registered at the reception desk
share a bathroom. ey expected a room that
during check in.
was en suite.
7. e Receptionist handing over the keys to the
6. In the fi rst two days when the teams checked
team leaders
in, water supply to the hostels did not fl ow into
8. Athletes were directed to their various rooms.
some of the Nyayo hostels. Majority of the team
9. Sign out forms were prepared to ensure a smooth
members threatened to check out.
fl ow of the checkout process. 7. Israel team members checked out of the Nyayo
10. Cleaning of bathrooms, toilets and common 3 hostel and wanted to leave the village, but we
rooms was done on time and well by Parapet intervened and took them to Nyayo 6 where they
cleaning services. were comfortable.
11. Working tools at every reception desk were pro- 8. e volunteers did not receive airtime and this
vided i.e. Stationary. affected communication amongst the team
12. Information on arrival and departure of athletes members.
was provided to the accommodation volunteers. 9. Laundry services provider was contracted late
13. e volunteers worked under two shifts the day and hence laundering of the linen and bathrobes
and night shift. was delayed
14. e volunteers would sign in when they reported 10. Water supply to the hostels was minimal hence
to the work station. We had a central place where some hostels e.g. Nyayo 1 had no water. Case
they would come to sign and pick their meal example was when a water pipe that was sup-