Page 122 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 122
ii. ere was a Moroccan who sprained his leg and Recommendations
was taken to the medical center at athletes Village.
i. ere should be a well written out water manage-
Water Management ment plan
ii. We would recommend that we hire casuals who
At the games Village, Coca-Cola supplied drinking would help with supply of water to various water
water and Sodas to the athletes and team offi cials, points
during the IAAF World under 18 championships. iii. Ensure the service crew is accredited in good
Water at the Village was fi rst delivered on the 8th time to avoid hiccups at the security gate.
of July 2017 and this was off loaded at the Sarova Volunteer Management
Kitchen. More water was delivered on the 9th of July
2017 and subsequently drinking water and bever-
ages were supplied in plenty at the Village. Water
At the athletes Village, the volunteers assigned were
36 in number. ey were assigned to support with
was distributed to the hostels, gym, common area,
logistics of the Village. e volunteers were charged
medical center, massage area and Kitchen. Before
with the responsibility of assisting the various de-
the water was readily accessible, Sarova used their
partments at the Village.
bottled water to serve the teams that had arrived.
e volunteers at the athlete’s village were segment-
ed into the following:
What worked
i. Accommodation – e accommodation volun-
i. Water was easily accessible to the athletes and
teers were also known as the receptionists or
team offi cials at the hostels.
front desk volunteers. ere were between two
ii. All the common areas such as Gym, medical
to four front desk volunteers. e volunteers were
center, massage area and kitchen had adequate
in two shifts – day and night shift. Their roles
iii. e kitchen had suffi cient water for the athletes
and team offi cials.
• Receiving and check in the teams
iv. LOC Secretariat Head of Operations had to in-
• Assigning the teams and athletes their room keys
tervene so that drinking water and sodas could
• Receiving requests by the teams and athletes
be made available at Kenyatta University.
• Receiving laundry requests
• Receiving housekeeping requests
• Posting communication information for the athletes
i. All the drinking water and sodas were taken to at the reception desks and notice boards
Kasarani fi rst and then re-distributed to the vil- • Ensure the reception area was cleaned daily
lage which was quite ineffi cient • Ensure the bathroom and common areas was
ii. Coca cola team could not access the athlete’s vil- cleaned by the cleaning service
lage when delivering water due to accreditation • Ensured Water was replenished in the massage
issues. area, Nyayo hostels, gym area and medical areas.
iii. Transport for delivering water was a challenge • Ensured the common areas, gym and medical area
and IMG had to use their vehicle to transport were cleaned.
water to the various points
iv. There was lack of casual workers to help with ii. Transport – The transport volunteers were in
supply water charge of ensuring they receive the travel infor-
v. e volunteers were stretched in terms of offl oad- mation from the accommodation volunteers. ey
ing the beverages. At one time, about 6 volunteers were charged with ensuring the athletes would
off loaded a truck full of water and sodas receive the bus schedule on a daily basis