Page 125 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 125


                       iii.  Medical –    e Medical volunteers also worked   Challenges
                          with the accommodation volunteers in ensuring
                          the teams knew where the medical departments   i.      e volunteers did not receive their accreditation
                          were located.    ey also ensured to communicate   on time and this resulted in the accommodation
                          the emergency numbers to the front desk vol-   team being overwhelmed especially on Monday
                          unteers                                        10th July 2017, when most of the teams were
                       iv.  Protocol –    e protocol volunteers would receive   i.   Communication on the meals for the volunteers
                          guests from the airport and ensure they are check   was not very clear because Sarova received a
                          in to the Nyayo hostel.                        brief they would feed 100 volunteers, but they
                                                                         ended up feeding more volunteers per meal.
                       v.   Language – The language volunteers were the
                                                                     ii.   Most volunteers left Kasarani stadium to come
                          translators of the teams and athletes and en-
                                                                         eat at the athletes Village, this therefore caused
                          sured that there was no communication barrier
                                                                         confusion during meal time because the number
                          between athletes and the team at large.
                                                                         of vouchers issued per meal were not enough.
                                                                         100 volunteers were to be fed at Sarova but this
                       vi.  Competition Information Department (CID) –   e
                                                                         increased to 200 and more.
                          CID volunteers would ensure information on the
                                                                     iii.   Meal shift was created for the volunteers, but
                          competition was relayed on a daily basis. This
                                                                         they did not follow through and this resulted
                          included the start list, start time and relevant
                                                                         to unmanned stations.
                          information that the athletes would need to know
                                                                     iv.   Some of the volunteers did not take the train-
                          about the competition.
                                                                         ing seriously and during the event they seemed
                                                                         confused and did not know what to do.
                       What worked
                                                                     v.   Most of the volunteers from accommodation

                                                                         department did not have airtime to make calls
                       i.   Some of the accommodation volunteers dili-
                                                                         and this was a challenge when communicating
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                         amongst each other.
                           gently reported to work on time and tirelessly
                                                                     vi.   During the championships, the volunteers were
                           worked to ensure their duties was performed.
                       ii.      e volunteers received training on their various
                                                                         called to receive their uniform kit and this re-
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                         to work. As a result a lot of things such as check
                       iii.      e volunteers gave their daily updates to the   sulted in most of the volunteers not reporting
                           team leaders and had a proper hand over to the
                                                                         in, water distribution to the hostel was halted
                                                                         because of lack of capacity
                           next shift.
                       iv.   CID volunteers updated the start list on daily   vii.  Some of the volunteers stole items from the KU
                           basis                                         rooms and they were discovered by the KU se-
                       v.   ransport provided the bus schedule on a daily   curity. They picked items such as bathrobes,
                           basis                                         towels, bed side mats and slippers.    e items
                       vi.   Medical volunteers were also resourceful in terms   were collected by the KU staff and items re-
                           of supporting the injured athletes            turned to Kenyatta University premise.
                       vii.  Protocol volunteers supported the team when   viii.  Some of the volunteers abused the security detail
                           directing them to their respective rooms.     at the athlete’s village while they were asked to
                                                                         return the items to Kenyatta University.
                                                                     ix.   Most of the language volunteers were not present
                                                                         to assist in translation

                                                    ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 125
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