Page 126 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 126
Recommendations What worked
i. Properly train the volunteers on the various i. Pick up of dirty laundry in the morning at
departments and ensure they are given proper 6:00a.m
information ii. Clean laundry was dropped off after 24hrs
ii. Ensure accreditation of the volunteers is given iii. e athletes picked their laundry from the recep-
in good time so as to avoid having less capacity tion area
on the ground iv. e athletes listed items placed in the laundry
iii. Provide the uniforms to the volunteers in good bags with their name and room number.
time so they can start work on a good note Challenges
iv. Provide airtime for the volunteers so they can
communicate with ease
v. Ensure the working team, knows where they
i. Athletes would drop off laundry after the sched-
will be having their meals.
uled 6:00a.m time and expect it back in the eve-
vi. Proper vetting of the volunteers prior to them
ii. Laundry services began three days after the ath-
vii. Ensure the volunteers get a certifi cate of good
letes had checked in instead of the fi rst day after
conduct before embarking on the work
check in.
Supervision for Provision of Laundry
i. Laundry services should be made available all
Ahead of the IAAF U18 championship, the Local
Organizing Committee (LOC) sought a reputable
ii. Have the laundry services done within the ath-
company with the capacity and manpower to carry-
letes premises.
out a 24-hour laundry service for more than 2,000
athletes, coaches as well as other relevant parties.
Supervision for Provision of housekeeping services
In this regard, IMG was tasked with supervising the
Housekeeping services was provided by Kenyatta
collection and drop off athletes and offi cials laundry
University. e following was things were to be done
at the athlete’s village.
under housekeeping;
Laundry services at the Village were provided by
Pewin Laundry. e services were within 24 hours.
i. Replenishing linen (towels and beddings) twice
e dirty laundry would be collected on daily basis
a week.
at 6.00 a.m. ii. Replenishing toiletries (Tissue, Toothpaste, soap,
shower cap, shampoo) on a daily basis.
e laundry service process was as follows: iii. Cleaning the athlete’s rooms on a daily basis. is
i. e athletes would leave their dirty laundry at
the reception desks a. Dusting and wiping of surfaces.
ii. e athletes listed the items placed in the laundry b. Sweeping and Mopping of the rooms
bags with their name and room number.
iii. ey would then sign off that they had dropped iv. Sorting and storage of clean laundry by the house-
off their dirty laundry. keepers.
iv. On return of the clean laundry, the athletes
would then pick up their clean laundry at the
reception desks.