Page 128 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 128
What worked Supervision for Provision of outdoor
cleaning services
i. e housekeepers assisted in moving the clean
bed sheets to the store once the laundry com- Parapet cleaning Services provided end to end clean-
pany brought them in. ing solutions at the World U18 championships. e
ii. Replenishing of the linen and toiletries upon team was deployed at the site three days to the start
request. of the games to ensure that the various sites were
iii. Cleaning of the rooms upon request. identifi ed so they can fully clean them properly. e
working crew committed to work 24 hour basis at
Challenges the Athletics Village.
eir scope included but was not limited to;
i. Housekeeping services were not off ered as ex-
pected because of the theft issue we experienced
i. Pre- event cleaning of all the area covered in the
with the Macedonia team. is was therefore
changed to upon request.
ii. e KU housekeeping staff s were casuals hired
ii. Garbage collection and disposal
by K.U and not their staff .
iii. Washrooms cleaning
iii. e casuals were not in uniform, so it was hard
iv. Cleaning of the corridors and common areas
to identify them.
v. Cleaning of the dining areas where athletes dined
iv. Drinking water was not replenished in the
vi. Cleaning and disinfecting the toilets / mainte-
nance of the same during the event
rooms; the athletes had to pick water at the re-
ception as they headed to their rooms because
vii. Post event Cleaning the venue after the event
of the theft issue that the teams experienced.
v. Training on how to do housekeeping was not
What worked
done, since teams had begun checking in.
Parapet was to provide the training but this was
i. Cleaned common areas and washrooms prior
not done because KU initially wanted to clean
to the date.
the rooms and outdoor premises. is therefore
ii. Daily maintenance of the hostels common areas
caused a delay in determining who would pro-
and washrooms.
vide housekeeping and outdoor services. e
iii. Garbage collection, removal and disposal
KU staff hence did not receive the professional
iv. Sanitary bins changing, disinfecting, removal
training from Parapet.
of waste and incineration
vi. e athlete’s rooms were not cleaned on a daily
basis as expected. v. Toiletries replenishment (tissue and liquid soap)
vi. Daily cleaning of the common rooms, massage
rooms, gym area and entertainment area
i. Have trained or professional personnel’s off er
the housekeeping services. i. e parapet cleaners did not receive their
ii. Ensure the personnel are from a professional accreditation on time and this resulted in
organization with the skills set for housekeeping them delaying to start their work
iii. Have one company off er housekeeping and out- ii. Parapet cleaners did not have enough storage
door cleaning services for uniformity. for their tissues
iv. Provide the housekeepers with uniform. iii. Communication of their scope of work was not
v. Ensure we have accredited personnel clear initially because of Kenyatta University