Page 133 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 133


                                                                     of managing and allocating duties to volunteers
                                                                     assigned to the accommodation directorate at the
                                                                     Windsor Hotel. Other volunteers were deployed at
                                                                     the Accreditation Centre and Transport offi  ce.

                                                                     8. Transportation of athletes and
                                                                     competition delegates:

                                                                     LOC provided an adequate and reliable
                                                                     Transportation System during the Championship.
                                                                     At Windsor, IMG’s responsibility was to ensure that
                                                                     the IAAF family and VIP’s had dedicated vehicles and
                                                                     pool cars provided.    e vehicles assigned at Windsor
                                                                     were to be availed on a 24 hour basis.

                                                                     9. Supervise Laundry services:

                                                                     The IAAF family had an agreement with the LOC
                                                                     and the Windsor Hotel to provide Laundry list for a
                                                                     team of 30 people. In this regard, IMG was tasked
                                                                     with ensuring that the Hotel adhered to providing
                       5. Supervise provision of meals:

                       IMG was responsible for ensuring meals were pro-
                                                                     10. IAAF family communication:
                       vided for the LOC working staff, volunteers and   laundry services to the list of names shared by LOC.
                       drivers. Windsor Hotel provided meal cards on a
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     During the championships, the guests accommo-
                       daily basis as a control measure to manage the meals
                                                                     dated at Windsor received all relevant information
                       being provided. No meals were served by the hotel
                                                                     on the event via the welcome desks set up at the
                       without a meal card. All working staff  meals were
                       catered for by LOC.                           Windsor lobby and Windsor Arcade.    is included
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                     providing updates and putting up information on
                                                                     the notice boards.    e information included daily
                       6. Supervise provision of medical services:   bus/vehicle schedules.
                       Medical service provision was a requirement at the   Set up
                       Windsor Hotel.  IMG was required to ensure that 3
                       rooms were allocated to the team; the medical pro-  Set up at the Windsor Golf & Country Hotel com-
                       viders that included an ambulance, 2 doctors, 1 nurse   menced on 7th July 2017.    e meeting rooms were
                       and 2 paramedics were present at the hotel and were   set up as follows;
                       readily available to provide their services to the LOC
                       guests upon request.                          •  All rooms were set up with chairs, tables, stationery
                                                                       as per the set up break down requirements below.
                       7. Volunteer management:                      •     e rooms had drinking water that was replenished on
                                                                       a daily basis by the banqueting team from Windsor.
                       LOC had recruited volunteers for the purpose of the   •  Teas and snacks were served along the Meeting Rooms
                       IAAF U18 championship. IMG took over the role

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