Page 120 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 120
8. Security at the athlete’s village should be top- Entertainment Centre at the Athletes Village
notch from day one.
9. Have a generator as a power backup. e athlete’s village had an entertainment center
10. Status meeting should be done on a daily basis which residents could use for relaxation. The en-
and this would comprise of team leader repre- tertainment center had various activities including:
sentatives from the Event Company, volunteers,
security (OCPD), medical team, and Kitchen. i. Board games
11. e venue to host the athletes should be made ii. Pool tables
ready before the athletes a month prior to their iii. Play station with games
arrival. iv. Television with DSTV services
12. Fumigation of rooms should be done a month
v. DJ services
prior to the athlete’s arrival. is is to ensure the
vi. Internet services
village is not infested with insects and animals.
13. Cleaning and maintenance the rooms should be
e entertainment center was opened 24/7 and was
done on a daily basis.
accessible to the athletes and offi cials.
Branding and signage
What worked
IMG was tasked with ensuring branding and sig-
i. e entertainment center was engaging and interac-
nage at the athlete’s village was managed consis-
tive for the athletes.
tently across all communications. At the athlete’s
ii. e entertainment center was opened 24 hours.
village, printing of outdoor branding and signage
was required and they included: Kitchen, dining
by Parapet cleaning services.
area, physiotherapy area, medical area, Bus Park,
entertainment, athletes & offi cials dining area, ac- iii. Cleaning at the entertainment center was done well
creditation centre, Nyayo hostel, Floor room numbers
and Restroom signs.
e crew could not come to set up on time because of
lack of accreditation and we had to pick the service
What worked
providers from the main gate.
i. e branding items were of good quality and were
brought in good time
ii. e signage was very clear and the athletes and
offi cials knew their way around the village i. Provide the service providers with accreditation
to the premise in good to avoid rushing the last
Challenges LOC contracted the Sarova Hotel to offer out-
side catering services during the IAAF World
i. We were not able to put signage in good time be- U18 Championship 2017. ey provided a tailor-
cause IMG was not granted access to the Athletes made menu full of variety and rich in nutritional
village until the last minute content on a daily basis at Kenyatta University.
Sarova catering brought on board their own state
Recommendation of the art equipment such as: refrigerated trucks,
Mobile, kitchen units, Food grade hot boxes to
i. Access to the village is required in good time so maintain food temperatures, ermometers etc.
we can put up signage early enough.