Page 119 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 119
plying water to the athletes village burst, causing confusion for the next shift.
complete water loss in the hostels. is was fi xed 18. Housekeeping was restricted to as per athletes’
by KU plumbers the following day but during request following the theft incidence with
the night the team members were not amused Macedonia team members.
with lack of Water. We had an incidence where 19. Transport to distribute water in the hostels, gym,
some team members did not shower for a whole massage area and medical center was not avail-
day because of lack of water. able. is only came in last few days when the
11. The rooming template that was created prior games were ending.
was not used since the hostels were not ready. 20. Coolers for the beverages at the hostels were not
12. KU failed to effectively sort keys and the re- received.
ceptionists ended up with the spare keys. e 21. Worms and bedbugs were spotted in one of the
Qatar’s team leaders room in Nyayo 4 because
initial agreement was that KU would keep the
spare keys in case of an emergency.
cleaning was not done on a properly. e team
13. Two Team members from Macedonia who were
leader was very unhappy and we had to move
housed at Nyayo 1 reported that money from
them to the Flats next to the medical center.
However, there was still a concern at the fl ats,
their room went missing. After check in, they
because we noticed cockroaches and some of
slept in until breakfast time at 8.00 am. ey
the duvets did not smell well.
stayed outdoors till after lunch when they re-
22. The Sarova staff accommodated at Usambara
turned to their rooms and noticed their bags had
hostel experienced bedbugs in their rooms. is
been opened and money worth Euro 500 and
USD 700 was missing. However one of the things
was noticed in 4 rooms. We had to provide four
they mentioned was upon return the room was
rooms for the senior staff at the village so as to
locked and there was no evidence of lock tam-
salvage the situation.
pering. e police investigated the issue and it
was later resolved that housekeeping should only
be done upon request and not on a daily basis as
earlier suggested. e Macedonians were issued
1. We need to have the volunteers equipped with
with an abstract and their accommodation fee
their tools such as uniforms, airtime, transport
was waived by the IAAF.
and proper accreditation before the event
14. One team member from Germany broke his 2. A Recce should be conducted for the volunteers
leg while competing at the Stadium. Initially,
to enable ease of task execution.
his team thought it was a sprain but later it was
3. e required equipment (Coolers and fridges)
discovered that his foot was broken. He received
should be procured as requested and early to
treatment from the KU medical team at the ath-
ensure installation and testing is done.
letes Village. 4. e backup water should be readily available in
15. ere was power outage for about three hours case of any water shortages.
on one of the evenings and Sarova was greatly 5. Transport to deliver water and other necessities
concerned because of the food stored in their within the athlete’s village should be provided
freezers. We did not have a generator for backup early enough.
in case of power shortage. 6. Procure laundry services early to avoid last
16. Volunteers did not keep time as they checked in minute rush.
for their shifts. Majority of the volunteers were 7. Have experienced or well-trained personnel
reporting late to their stations and some did not to offer housekeeping services at the village.
even show up. We needed to just have one professional group
17. Volunteers did not sufficiently provide their that would cater for room service and outdoor
handover reports on a daily basis and this caused cleaning.