Page 169 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 169


                       •   Slow processing of legal contracts forced onboard-  •   Board Directors should not be involved in the op-
                          ing of suppliers and sponsors to be delayed and   erations of the event.     e Board should be com-
                          accreditation to be bombarded at the last minute.  prised of a small steering committee that meets
                       •   Payments to suppliers was slow and could have   to discuss high level decisions.  All operations
                          jeopardized the event if not for the intervention   should be left to CEO, COO and the Secretariat.
                          of the PS Ministry of Sports.              •   The CEO and COO should hire a core full time
                       •   After the event it took several months for the LOC   team into the secretariat that are experts in the
                          Directors and Staff  to receive their salaries and al-  departments that they will run; at least 1 year
                          lowances.  Suppliers also experienced long delays   before the event.  The Secretariat can hire an
                          in getting their fi nal payments.              Events Management Company to hire and manage
                       •   The LOC did not have their own bank account   •   Procurement should start at least 12 months prior
                                                                        temp staff  that are needed only during the event.
                          which resulted in the LOC using either the bank
                                                                           is will allow for a lower more effi  cient wage bill
                          account of Sports Kenya or the Ministry of Sports.
                                                                        and eff ective running of the event.
                             is caused a lot of confusion and delays in the
                                                                        to the event to prevent last minute emergency
                          payment of suppliers and salaries.
                                                                        procurement and audit queries.
                                                                     •   The LOC should have its own bank account to
                                                                        manage its expenditure so that we have control
                                                                        of our expenditures.  If the CEO is the accounting
                       •   Appointment of the CEO, Chief Operations Offi  cer
                                                                        offi  cer he or she should have full control of the
                          and Executive Committee should be done at least
                          2 years before the event to ensure smooth prep-
                                                                        event bank account with COO or CFO as cosign-
                          aration of the event.  Most events are awarded
                          to countries at least 2 years in advance for this
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K

                       EDITORIAL BOARD

                                                   ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 169
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