Page 188 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 188


                       Offi  cial Press Conference                     Social Events

                          e offi  cial press conference will be held on 11 July   Opening Ceremony
                       2017 at 11:00.
                                                                        e opening ceremony will take place on 12 July 2017,
                       LOC will organise media shuttle service from the   from 15:45 to 16:30, at the Stadium. All accredited
                       media hotel to Offi  cial Press conference.     media are kindly invited.

                       Press Conferences                             IAAF/LOC News Service

                          ere is no press conference planned following the
                                                                     LOC and IAAF will provide comprehensive news
                       fi nals. A press conference will be organised in case
                                                                     service aimed at achieving an excellent working
                       of special results/events. Media will be informed
                                                                     conditions for media representatives.
                       about press conferences timingly.
                                                                     Follow us on:
                                                                     Website: https://
                       Photographers are not allowed to wear any advertis-
                       ing on their clothes infi eld and must be dressed in
                       an appropriate way, as they are often in public and
                                                                     Twitter: @wu18nairobi2017
                       TV view. Eating infi eld is strictly forbidden.
                                                                     Facebook: IAAF WU18 Nairobi 2017
                       Photographers Facilities
                          ere will be a number of seats equipped with LAN   Moi international sports center, kasarani
                                                                        e Moi International Sports Centre (MISC), Kasarani,
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       connection reserved for photographers in the Media
                                                                     is the largest stadium in Kenya.    e 60,000-seater
                                                                     Kasarani Stadium was built by the Chinese as a grant
                                                                     to Kenya govern-ment who completed it in 1987.
                       Photographers’ Briefi ng
                                                                     It hosted the 4th All African Games, largest multi-
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                     disciplinary event ever held in this country. It is well-
                       The photographers’ briefing will take place on 11
                                                                     equipped for sports such as track and fi eld, football,
                       July 2017 at 15:00 in the Media Centre. Attendance
                                                                     basketball, tennis, swimming and volleyball etc.
                       at this meeting is mandatory.    e photo bibs will be
                       distributed at the end of the photographers‘ briefi ng.      e stadium is one of the most enduring and visible
                                                                     legacies of Kenya’s second president, Daniel Arap
                       A KSH 2,300/ EUR 20 deposit is required in order to   Moi’s administration to the youth of this country.
                       collect the bib, refundable on return at the end of the   It was built to enable Kenya host the continental
                       WU18 Championships.                           sports competition, during its most diffi  cult period.
                       Photographers’ Positions                      No African country was willing to host the games, at
                                                                     a time when corporate sponsorship had not become a
                       Infi eld:    e number of photographers allowed onto   novelty in modern sports, meaning governments had
                       the infi eld during the competition is very limited.   to foot all the fi nancial de-mands of their organiza-
                       Each infi eld photographer will be provided with a   tion, running into millions of shillings, something
                       photographers’ bib.                           which placed a heavy burden on the tax payer’s
                                                                     shoulders.    is is why the quadrennial games had
                                                                     no host between 1978 in Algiers, Algeria, to 1987
                                                                     in Nairobi. Previous games were in Lagos, Nigeria,
                                                                     in 1973 and the fi rst in 1965 in Brazzaville, Congo.

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