Page 26 - French and Electric Blue - Winter 2017-2018
P. 26

Blue Gloves

        MSP Boxers Go Toe-to-Toe with Fighters from Garda, Other Departments

               The latest outing  of the Massachusetts         an instructor at the Garda’s Academy. The fight
        State Police Boxing Team                                                   was held at a very brisk pace.
        was recently at Marina Bay                                                 Even though both fighters were
        Sportsplex in Quincy.   This was                                           extremely cautious in the first
        a long-awaited contest against                                             round, Amandon maintained
        Ireland’s Garda Police.  We                                                control from the first round
        had been trying to pull this off                                           and into the second round
        with our friends from across                                               landing some heavy punches.
        the pond for some time, but                                                Not only did this novice fighter
        could never quite get everyone’s                                           show that he has the savvy, but
        schedule to coincide, but we                                               also the physical dominance
        finally made it work.  This show                                           that he maintained throughout
        was a culmination of efforts                                               the fight.   Ultimately he
        and commitment from our                                                    gave Hennessey a standing 8
        friends from Denver Police,                                                count following an impressive
        New York Fire Department,                                                  body shot in the 3rd round.
        NYPD, Massachusetts Dept. of Corrections,              Amandon advanced to the winner’s circle with a
        Plymouth PD, Kingston PD, Milford PD and our           3rd round stoppage.
        friend Sgt. Tom Toomey from Barnstable PD and
        his club the Cape Cod Boxing Club. We had 13
        fights scheduled but ended up with 12 entertaining

               The Ireland Garda brought an entourage
        of 13 people with 7 fighters. I was concerned
        about their experience and our lack of it, so I was
        careful not to have too many of our novice boxers
        with head-to-head bouts but we did end up with
        some competitive fights. The fact that this was
        a sanctioned event with USA boxing didn’t help
        with trying to match up some of our older fighters
        because of age restrictions.

               Trooper Brandon Amandon representing
        Troop B was matched against Stephen Hennessey,

                                                                  Trooper Brandon Amandon (L) and Ireland
                                                                  Guarda’s Stephen Hennessey

                   F r en c h·a n d·E le c t r ic·B l ue·W in t er·2017/2018·p a g e·26
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