Page 27 - French and Electric Blue - Winter 2017-2018
P. 27

Patrolman Rich Allen from the Kingston Police          effort, his experience, and ability will determine
        Dept. was then up against the Garda’s Timmy            the outcome, as long as he or she has been evenly
        Lehane in the 145 lb. division. Yes, I did say 145     matched. Tino could not have had a more evenly-
        lbs. Patrolman Allen has had some experience and  matched fighter than Mass Correctional Officer
        it was needed for this fight against Lehane, who       Travis Brodeur. Both fighters had weighed in at
                                                               over 245 lbs. for their first fight.

                                                                       The first round proved to be a headhunting
                                                               experience. If any of those bad-intentioned
                                                               punches had landed for either fighter, we would
                                                               have had to send them with the EMTs who were
                                                               standing by. Through the 2nd round, in my

        had won a novice national tournament in Ireland
        back a few years. Allen made this a war but used
        his skills and defense to secure a win for the home
        team against a national champion. To the winner
        circle, in a very entertaining fight, walked Allen.

                                                               opinion, Degisi had drawn the short straw. It
                                                               seemed that he was trying to land the big punch
                                                               and in doing so was getting beat to the punch and
                                                               taking too much heavyweight punishment. In the
                                                               3rd round, however, the young Trooper turned
                                                               it all around during a rather heated exchange
                                                               that left both fighters exhausted. Tino landed a
                                                               punch that ended the exchange, the debate, and
                                                               any doubt. This one punch crumpled Brodeur up
                                                               against the ropes and was immediately stopped
                                                               and in his debut, Degisi leapt to victory.

        Patrolman Rich Allen (L) and Ireland Guarda’s                  The Denver Fire Department then sent
        Timmy Lehane                                           Firefighter Tony St. Germain against the Garda’s
                                                               Mark Garrant in the 172lb division. Both fighters
               Trooper Tino Degisi, who was making
        his MSP boxing debut, had me guessing at times,
        and concerned at other times.  The biggest issue
        I have is matchmaking with opponents that we
        have never competed against. I never got to see
        Tino spar or workout and relied on other fighters
        and my conversations with Tino to get this match
        done. It is the team’s goal to insist with other
        teams that we engage with fair fights, so that
        each fighter heading into the fight knows that his

                          F r en c h·a n d·E le c t r ic·B l ue·W in t er·2017/2018·p a g e·27
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