Page 23 - French and Electric Blue - Winter 2017-2018
P. 23

of those components include 14 vent buidlings,         and urgency following the 9/11 attacks. One
        16 electrical sub stations, 41 pump houses and         of the barracks’ responsibilities is facilitating
        two large maintenance facilities. Until 2016 they      mass evacuations from the Airport, and critical
        were also responsible for the security of the toll     incident response into the Airport from outside
        operations at the entrance to the Sumner Tunnel,       the property, if the need ever arises. While its
        the Ted Williams Tunnel, and the Tobin bridge.         neighbors at Troop F train regularly on handling
                                                               crises within the Airport, E-4 is responsible for
        Uniqueness of the Tunnels.                             access to and from the airport for all those leaving,

               The tunnel system employs 215 large             as well as assets that are responding. Whether it
                                                                              be the Ted Williams Tunnel, the
                                                                              Callahan and Sumner Tunnels, or
                                                                              the Tobin Bridge, essentially all
                                                                              roads to Logan travel through E-4’s

                                                                                     Since 1995 SP-Tunnels
                                                                              Troopers have dealt with numerous
                                                                              fires, crashes and emergencies which
                                                                              have necessitated the closing of
                                                                              some portion of the tunnels, and
                                                                              also were the primary responders
                                                                              to the fatal 2006 partial tunnel
                                                                              collapse. In an effort to be prepared
                                                                              for such incidents, supervisors team
                                                                              up with dispatchers and MassDOT
                                                                              personnel to train in handling
                                                               scenarios that call for closing of different sections
        vent fans that use 14 Vent Buildings designed          of their roads. The supervisors and civilian
        to circulate fresh air into the system. In critical    support staff periodically have tabletop exercises
        events, such as fires, prolonged traffic congestion    in which they discuss different scenarios that
        or other emergencies, these vents are monitored        could occur in and around the E-4 area. This “Red
        and controlled so that the air circulation can be      Book” training, as it is known, is an example of the
        increased to ensure the air quality is safe. This      importance of experience that the Troopers at E-4
        system is aided by a network of more than 500          have.
        cameras that monitor the tunnels. In an effort
        to address any prolonged congestion that could                 The responsibilities of the barracks warrant
        strain the ventilation system, it is imperative to     a great deal of extra personnel from within the
        have personnel and tow equipment at the ready.         barracks and other Troops and Sections. There
        This drives the need for quick and experienced         is routine maintenance and periodic work that
        response from the Troopers at E-4                      is done within the E-4 roadways. On any given
                                                               night there may be as many as 10 different sub-
        Experience is key                                      contractors, with hundreds of employees working

               There are a number of Troopers and              in the E-4 area. Troopers from within and
        supervisors who have been stationed within Troop       outside of Troop E provide safety at the worksites
        E and at the tunnels barracks for a significant        throughout the year. It is not uncommon to have
        period of time. These Troopers bring a tremendous      several tunnels closed and multiple lanes taken
        resume of experience to the table. Like all police     each night within the tunnel / bridge system.
        components, their job took on added duties             Units

                   F r en c h·a n d·E le c t r ic·B l ue·W in t er·2017/2018·p a g e·23
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