Page 22 - French and Electric Blue - Winter 2017-2018
P. 22

Echo 4  Patrolling the Tunnels

               One of the duty stations with the most          buildings which now dotted the skyline, and large
        unique responsibilities in the Massachusetts State     toll facilities in East Boston. The barracks, located
        Police is Station E-4, the Tunnels Barracks. On any  in the Seaport section of the city, grew to 45-50
                                                               Troopers by 2003.

                                                                       In 2011, as part of an agreement with
                                                               Troop F and Massport, Troop E took over
                                                               responsibility for the Maurice Tobin Bridge. The
                                                               Tobin Bridge serves as a connector for busy Route
                                                               1 as it traverses the Mystic River and connects
                                                               commuters from Route 1 in Chelsea to Route 93 in


                                                                       The barracks is currently staffed by 34
                                                               Troopers, 6 Sergeants and a Lieutenant serving
                                                               as SCO. In addition to these Troopers there are
        given day, E-4 Troopers are responding to crashes      a number of assets which are assigned to the
        and other incidents and protecting the critical        Troop who work in and around the area. The vast
        infrastructure of the tunnels and bridge systems       responsibilities to the infrastructure in the area
        that serve Boston and the surrounding area. This       require additional Troopers from throughout
        article offers a more detailed look of the history     Troop E to be deployed in the area on a 24/7 basis.
        and role of this distinct MSP station.                 These Troopers man Emergency Response Stations
                                                               which are strategically located in the patrol area
        History of E-4                                         and are designed to respond to any incident within

               The Ted Williams Tunnel barracks (E-            2-3 minutes. The primary focus of these posts is to
        4) was established in 1995 as part of Troop            assist in responding to crashes or other incidents
        E.  This was prior to the actual opening of the        in the patrol area’s six major tunnels, two bridges,
        Ted Williams Tunnel itself, which occurred             and more than 70 ramps. The personnel at E-4
        in 1996. The original detachment consisted of          are also responsible for critical infrastructure
        approximately 15 Troopers, Sergeants and a             components related to those roadways. Some
        Station Commander. The barracks also took
        primary jurisdiction of all roads encompassed
        in the Central Artery project, commonly known
        as “The Big Dig.” By 2003 the Central Artery
        Tunnels, Route 93 North and South, and the
        Leonard Zakim Memorial Bridge were opened for
        traffic as well. Troop E was tasked with meeting
        the needs of all the roads which were now flush
        with commuters. In addition to the traffic needs,
        Troop E was now a fixture in the community
        in and around Boston. They took responsibility
        for two maintenance facilities, seven large vent

                   F r en c h·a n d·E le c t r ic·B l ue·W in t er·2017/2018·p a g e·22
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