P. 264
probably written by Muhammad Nafis formation of ecumenical Islam in the
al-Banjari. archipelago. Through Malay, Muslim
communities in various regions in the
Books composed by the Patani scholar, archipelago became connected to one
Daud al-Fatani (Daud bin Abdullah bin another, and, strengthened through the
Idris al-Fatani) were also included in use of Jawi books, these relationships
Imam Ahmad’s list. Among them were remained within limits derived from
two of his books on jurisprudence: the the universal message of Islam. This
Fara’id ghayat taqrib fi al-irth wa al-tansib gradual and long historical process has
(Statutes of the Final Approximation in become the basis for the formation of
Inheritance and Consanguinity) on the what Anderson called an “imagined
laws about the division of an inheritance community”. If the colonial government
and the Idah al-bab li murid al-nikah might have inherited the Indonesian
bi al-sawab (Explanatory Chapter state, the Malay language has laid a
for Getting Married Correctly) about solid foundation for the establishment
marriage. Another book in Jawi was the of Indonesia as a nation the process
Sabil al-Muhtadin li al-tafaqquh fi amr when it adopted Malay as the national
al-Din (the Path of the Guided People for language of Indonesia.
Mastering Religious Matters) regarding
the procedure for studying religion written
by Muhammad Arsyad bin Abdullah
al-Banjari and the Hidayat al-Salikin
(Manual for Searching Knowledge)--- a
composition in Malay based on al-
Ghazali’s Bidayat al-Hidayah--- written
by Abdussamad al-Palimbani.
The Malay language and Jawi books
aren ot only important from a historical
perspective ---that they have become a
category in the study of Islamic culture 64. Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities:
Reflections on the Origin and Spread of
in Indonesia--- but also in terms of the Nationalism, (London: Verso, 1991).
254 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 255