P. 262

in Arabic and Wolio were produced in    reign of the 10  Sultan of Buton, Sultan                Taala barang dilanjutkan usia umur   languages, but also though religious
                                          the 19  century. 59                     Adilik Rahim (ata La Limpata or Oputa                   zamannya, beroleh sehat dan walafiat   thoughts recorded in books written
                                                                                  Musabuna ) in 1664-1669. 61                             dengan sejahtera jua adanya. 62      in Malay in Jawi script in addition to
                                          Still related to the kingdom of Buton, it
                                          is important to mention here the letters   The important thing to note is that the              The translation of the letter is as   books written in Arabic, which were also
                                          of the Sultan of Buton to the British and   letters were written in Malay, much like            follows:                             widespread and sources of religious
                                          Dutch government officials. Based on    the bulk of the other manuscripts and                                                        knowledge. A note written by someone
                                          his research in the Leiden University   documents in the kingdom. This finding                  That sincere letter and tables often   called Imam Ahmad ---an Imam for the
                                          library, Suryadi   recorded that at least   shows that the Malay language had                   be a sign of hope and trust that the   Bacan islands in North Maluku who
                                          three letters that were written by the King   not only become wide spread in the                honorable son of Sri Sultan Raja     met Snouck Hurgronje in Mecca in
                                          of Buton to the Dutch government and    Archipelago, but also that it connected                 Buton with the vizier ministers, waving   1884--- is important to record here. As
                                          one letter, on behalf of Sultan Dayyan   the people, in this context, the society               the paper a piece, coming down the   Laffan showed,  Imam Ahmad gave
                                          Asraruddin, the 27  ruler of Buton      of the Kingdom of Buton, with other                     Presence of His Majesty the Father   Snouck a list of books the people read
                                          (1799-1822) addressed to the Governor   communities who used Malay language                     Company, Mr. Governor General and    in the eastern part of the countries
                                          General of the Dutch East Indies in     in the archipelago. The following excerpt               Raden van Indie in Batavia, Insha    under the wind, the territory of Ternate,
                                          Batavia. Another letter is in the name   is from a letter of the Sultan of Buton to             Allah will continue his age, health and   Tidore and Bacan. In addition to the
                                          of Sultan Kaimuddin I, the 29  ruler    the Dutch Governor General at Batavia,                  good fortune in peace.               books in Arabic that were widespread
                                          of Buton who was in power until 1851.   with the complexion of Malay that in                  The presence of Malay in Buton is      in pesantren as noted by van den Berg
                                          The letters are parts of a collection of   principle has no difference from the               closely linked with the history of the   in the late 19  century,  Imam Ahmad
                                          official letters the King of Buton sent   Malay language that developed in the                kingdom, where the process of the      recorded a number of titles of Jawi
                                          to Dutch officials that are stored in   Archipelago.                                          establishment to become an empire      books composed by the ulama in the
                                          Leiden University Library. The Bodleian    Bahwa warkat al-ikhlas serta tabe-                 involving the Malay Kingdoms of Johor   Archipelago from the Malay speaking
                                          Library in Oxford, England, preserves      tabe banyak-banyak akan tanda                      and Sumatra who migrated there.        regions, among them, the book
                                          a collection of letters of a kapitalao     harap dan percaya yaitu daripada                   However, the most important thing to   composed by Abdurrauf Singkel, Mir’at
                                          (sea captain) from Buton written in the    Paduka Anakanda Sri Sultan Raja                    say here is that Butonis a good example   al-Tulab, in form of a Malay adaptation
                                          17  century (around1667), during the                                                                                                 of Ansari’s book Fath al-Wahab. Another
                                                                                     Buton dengan segala wazir menteri-                 that Malay had been established well   book is the Dhur al-Thamim, which,
                                                                                     menterinya, melayangkan kertas                     as a lingua franca in the archipelago.   according to Snouck Hurgronje, was
                                          59. La Niampe, “Bahasa Melayu di Kerajaan   sekeping, datang ke bawah Hadirat
                                          Buton”, Bahasa dan Seni, vol. 40, no. 1, 2012,                                                Thus, Buton in the eastern part of the   62.  Michael F. Laffan, Islamic Nationhood and
                                          pp. 14-24, p. 19. See also, Ikram Achdiati, dkk.,   Paduka Ayahanda Kompeni, Tuan             archipelago was connected to the       Colonial Indonesia: The Umma Below the Wind,
                                          Katalog Naskah Buton: Koleksi Abdul Mulku   Her Gurnadur Jenderal dan Raden                   people living in the other parts of the   (London and New York: Routledge and Curzon,
                                          Zahari, (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor, 2001).     van Indie di Betawi, Insya Allah                                                          2003), pp. 21-24.
                                          60.  Suryadi, “Surat-Surat Sultan Buton,                                                      archipelago.                           63.  L.W.C. van den Berg, “Het Mohammadensche
                                          Dayyan Kaimuddin dan Kaimuddin I,       61. Suryadi, “Surat-Surat Sultan Buton, Dayyan                                               Goddienst Onderwijs on Java en Madoera en
                                          KoleksiUniversiteitsBibliotheek Leiden, Belanda”,   Kaimuddin dan Kaimuddin I, Koleksi Universiteits   The people of the archipelago were not   daarbij Gebruikte Arabische Boeken”, TBG, 31,
                                          Humaniora, vol. 19, no. 3, 2007: 284-301, p. 286.  Bibliotheek Leiden, Belanda”, ….., p. 285-286.  only connected to one-another through   1886, pp. 518-555.

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