P. 257

 The Walio stone is a   T. Iskandar (1966)  has made a   Acehnese kings, and more particularly   Silsilah Raja-raja dalam Negeri   Palembang and Riau: The 18
 heritage of the Buton   transliteration into Latin script of   that of Sultan Iskandar Muda whose   Aceh Bandar Darussalam  and 19  centuries Centers of
 Sultanate. Before a   chapter 2 article 13 and up to recently   descendants are described in detail.   Malay Language Development
 sultan or a king was   it was the most important source on the   After that, the text continues with a   This text contains the genealogy of the   th  th
 inaugurated, this   history of Aceh.  detailed biography of Sultan Iskandar   kings of Aceh, starting from its first king,   Entering the 18  and 19  centuries,
 location was used to   Muda, starting from his birth, childhood   Sultan Johan Shah, who is said”to have   the center of the development of Malay
 beat the drum.  Adat Aceh  until his adult life when he was appointed   come from a wind ward in 601 A.H.   moved to  Palembang and subsequently
                                                 to Riau. Palembang position in the
          There after Sultan Ahmad gained control
 Source: Directorate of   The author of this text has not been   as the ruler of Aceh. Therefore, although   and he was entitled Sultan Ri‘ayat Shah   development of Islam in the archipelago
 History and Cultural   identified. Information about the text   entitled Hikayat Aceh (Story of Aceh),   in 632 A.H.”This text further illustrates   started in the 18  century and was
 Values, Ministry of   is based on T.J. New bold’s study in   this text is mostly dedicated to Sultan   the continuously changing process   marked by the emergence of a number
 Education and Culture   the Madras Journal of Literature and   Iskandar Muda, Aceh’s greatest ruler. 48  of authority until the 34 king, Sultan   of scholars who wrote works in various
 of the Republic of   Science (1836 III: 54-57 and 1836 IV:   Alauddin Muhammad Shah. 50  fields of Islamic knowledge. Supported
 Indonesia.  117-120), as well as on his other works   Adat Perintah Raja-raja or   by the authorities who encouraged
 (1839: 225-226). Following New bold is   Mabain al-Salatin  Adat Majlis Raja-Raja  religious-intellectual activities,
 Th. Braddle who conducted studies on            Palembang replaced Aceh as the center
 the same text. The result of Braddle’s   There is not much information about the   The Adat Majlis Raja-raja (Customs of   of Islamic development as Aceh’s role
 study was published in the Journal of the   Adat Perintah Raja-raja (Traditions of   Kings Assembly) contains the rules and   had gradually diminished due to internal
 Indian Archipelago (1850 IV: 589-603;   Kings’ Commands). Iskandar  simply   protocols ---referred here as customs   conflicts, and then the war against the
 1851 V: 26-28). Detailed information and   states that a manuscript entitled Mabain   (adat)---  of various institutions (majlis)   Dutch Colonial Government. 51
 the latest research results were obtained   al-Salatin (the Sultans’ Building) is also   in the kingdom (i.e. the king’s assembly
 from G.W.J. Drewes and P. Voorhoeve   found in the Turkish court, and in some   and the army commanders), up to special   Abdussamad al-Palimbani is the first
 (1958). The Adat Aceh (Acehnese   ways it reminds one of the Taj as-Salatin.   institutions for social-religious affairs:   scholar whose works needs to be
 Tradition) consists of a number of   It apparently aims to offer advice to   the Majlis Tabal (Tabal Council) on the   discussed. Iskandar a scribes nine
 important points: (1) the order of all kings;   the authorities on how to manage their   calculation of the day for performing   works (books) to al-Palimbani, among
 (2) the genealogy of the kings in Bandar   kingdom, such as how to determine   the fast, the Majlis Junjung Duli (Ascent   which the most famous is the Hidayat
 Aceh; (3) the tradition of the Kings’   the requirements of an ideal king, his   Council), the Majlis Berangkat Hari Jumat   al-Salikin fi Suluk Maslak al-Muttaqin.
 assembly; and (4) other traditions.  attitudes and behavior in relation to   (Friday Departure Council), the Majlis   Written in Malay in Mecca (completed
                                                 in 1788)it is an adaptation of al-
 palace elites, and a number of rules for   Bandar [Aceh] Darussalam (Harbor of
 Hikayat Aceh  [Aceh] Darussalam Council), and various   Ghazali’sBidayat al-Hidayah Other works
 the inhabitants of a kingdom.
 This text contains the genealogy of the   48. T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu   other assemblies in the environment of   51. Azyumardi Azra, Jaringan Ulama Timur Tengah
                                                 dan Kepulauan Nusantara Abad XVII dan XVIII,
 47. Iskandar, T. (ed.) Bustan’s-Salatin: Bab II Fasal   Sepanjang Abad,….., p. 404-405.  the Aceh kingdom.  (Bandung: Mizan, 1994), p. 243-244.
 13 [Nuruddn al-Raniri], (Kuala Lumpur: Dewan   49. T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu   50. T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu   52. T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu
 Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1966).  Sepanjang Abad,….., p.27-428.  Sepanjang Abad,….., p. 428-429.  Sepanjang Abad, ….., p. 450-452.

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