P. 253
Arabic ---such as ahlu l-shufi (the mystic been preserved. Al-Attas, the first morphology, grammar, and vocabulary. ke-an, ber-, ber-an, ber-kan, ber-i, pe-, Tomb of Raja Ali Haji.
people), mutakallimin (theologians), scholar to review the text, connects The characteristics of pre-classical pe-an, per-an, -an, -i, ter-) is found but Raja Ali Haji’s thoughts,
hukama’ (jurist), Falasifah (philosopher), the year of the translation of the text Malay are still visible here, such as the prefix per- is less productive in this including those on
wujudiyyah (the existentialism), and to the visit of Sheikh Jilani ibn Hasan words like ‘dipaccat’ (dipecat, fired) with text. The more complete affixes are linguistics, were
mulhid (the apostates) --- still appear ibn Muhammad Hamid from Ranir, /c/ emphasis, ‘bertannung’ (bertenung, used in the translation, the richer are the attempts to restore
here and there but are left without a Nuruddin ar-Raniri’s uncle, who for the engaging in witchcraft), and ‘lannyap’ nuances in meanings they indicate. Malay culture.
translation in Malay. second time came to to Aceh during (lenyap, disappear) with /n/ emphasis. In the ‘Aqa’id there is no word ‘untuk’, Source: Directorate of
the reign of Sultan ‘Alau’d-Din Ri’ayat Some Arabic loan words had been History and Cultural
However, it is important to note that the Shah (1588-1604). absorbed, but others also still retained instead only ‘bagi’ is used. A similar Values, Ministry of
Arabic vocabulary was used to support their original form, such as kubur besides situation exists in many stories such Education and Culture
certain scientific levels. The words In addition to the time of writing, ‘qubur’ (grave), ‘tabi’at’, in addition to as the Hikayat Hang Tuah, Hikayat Si of the Republic of
were integrated into Malay and over another important thing to discuss ‘thabi’at’ (character). Miskin, and Hikayat Raja Muda. In the Indonesia.
time included in the Malay vocabulary. are the linguistic aspects of the inter- Hikayat Pandawa Lima the word ‘untuk’
Arabism in this context is an expression linear translations. The following The morphophonemic system is a jumble isfound only once: “.... sudahlah untuk
as some is still patterned with pre-
of the growing public appetite for Arabic explanation refers in its entirety to classical Malay while others had already kita dianugerahkan oleh dewata mulia
and oriented to enrich Malay with new Abdullah’s research, who in his turn reached the classic stage. For example, raya akan kita.” The word ‘untuk’ here
terms to be used for the spread of refers to Asmar Omar’s analysis. The the voiced consonant at the beginning means ‘nasib’ (fate), and‘peruntungan’
Islamic sciences in the archipelago. manuscript of the ‘Aqa’id shows the of a word is omitted such as: memicara, (luck). The word ‘bagi’ is probably a
development of Malay in the 16 translation from Arabic: (li), (la), (lahu
Translation works century as regards terms in the Jawi memeri (sound /b/ is deleted), but we -baginya), (laku - bagimu). In additions,
also find: membenari, membahagi.
spelling, the morphophonemic system, there are translated conjunctions which
In relation to translation, the following Likewise, there is a mixedsystem of seemed odd like: akan bahwa, karena
text deserves special attention. Dated 38. T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu the added nasal to the prefix me-. In bahwa, melainkan bahwa, which are
Sepanjang Abad, ….., p. 320.
998 A.H./1590 A.D., the text is written 39. Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, The Oldest some cases there is no nasal such as translations of the Arabic elements: bi
in Arabic with inter-linear translation Known Malay Manuscript: A 16 Century Malay in mehalalkan, mehadapi, mehendaki, anna, li anna, illa wa an, as seen in the
in Malay and entitled ‘Aqa’id, written Translation of the ‘Aqa’id of al-Nasafi, (Kuala mehabisi. In other cased, the prefixme-is following sentences: (1) ilmu akan bahwa
Lumpur: Malaysian Branch of Royal Asiatic
by an-Nasafi. A manuscript of another Society, 1988). followed by a nasal like inmenghilangkan, kull (ya’ni perhimpunan) sesuatu yang
text kept in Leiden University Library 40. Imran T. Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua menghasilkan, mengharuskan. It is terbesar dari sukunya; (2) tiada akan
(Cod.Or. 1660) ---dated 990 A.H./1582 Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian clear here that linguistic rules are membahagiakan dan mencelakakan
(ed.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, ….., p. 240-
A.D., contains an Arabic grammar, 241. inconsistently applied and this refers to karena bahwa keduanya itu daripada
and is written in Persian with inter- 41. Asmah Hj. Omar, Bahasa Melayu Abad ke-16: language change. sifat Allah Ta’ala juga; and (3) tiada ada
leartranslation in Malay--- ‘Aqa’id is the Satu Analisis Berdasarkan Teks Melayu ‘Aqa’id In the ‘Aqa’ida more complete affixation ia melainkan bahwa ada ia sebenarnya
an-Nasafi, (Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan
oldest manuscript from Aceh that has Pustaka, 1991). system (me-, me-kan, di-, di-kan, ke-, dalam agamanya.
242 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 243