P. 251

Linguistically, Ar-Raniri’s works are   to refute the theology of heretics.   directly under the Arabic text. However,   not only in social life, political diplomacy
 not essentially different from those of    So I mentioned in this treatise the   some standard Arabic mystical terms and   and commerce, but also in the religious
 Hamzah Fansuri. In his works, Ar-Raniri   theology and the four schools of   expression remained in use which were   intellectual discourse. Book literature is
 had the same ability as Hamzah Fansuri   religious groups (ta’ifah), namely:   never translated into Malay. 35  evidence of the use of Malay in the latter.
 in terms of the use of Malay. The quotes   the theologians (mutakallimin), the   Similarly, this way of presentation of the   The Muslim scholars mentioned above
 from his work above, Bustan as-Salatin,   mystics (Ahlu l-Shufi), the jurists and   needed to translate their works into
 are testimony to his ability. The Malay   philosophers (Hukama Falasifah) and   Malay translations also features in the   Malay, so that they could be accessed
          work of Abdul Ra’uf Singkel, whose full
 ar-Raniri used reveals not only a very   the existentialists (Wujudiyyah) who   name is Abdul-Ra’uf bin ‘Ali al-Jawi al-  more widely by Muslims in Aceh and in
 high level of knowledge regarding Islamic   were heretics for stating the existence   the archipelago in general. This confirms
 doctrine and history, but also his choice   of God to that of nature: are the two   Fansuri as-Singkili. This moderate figure   the conditions under which Malay turned
 of words is purely Malay, though he still   [existence] different or united as will   composed a Qur’an commentary in   into the lingua franca in the Malay-
 uses Arabic words.  be mentioned about the fact. 34  Malay using interlinear translations and   Indonesian world.
          he also wrote a treatise entitled Mir’at
 Another important thing about ar-Raniri’s   It should be emphasized that only some   at-Tullab fi tasil l-Ma’rifat Ahkam ash-  Of course, a number of Arabic words
 works is that he made a translation   book on literature that uses this kind   Syar’iyyah li l-Malik al-Wahhab (Mirrors   were still used in book literature. In
 of each sentence in Arabic. His work   of translation pattern. Other works use   for Students in Reaching the Knowledge   view of the socio-political context of the
 is a refutation of Hamzah Fansuri’s   inter-linear translations, where the Malay   of Divine Shari‘a Law). The treatise was   time, this is not surprising. Composing
 Wujudiyah mystical order and entitled   translation is written directly under the   written at the request of the Queen of   Arabicized sentences and using Arabic
 Hujjatus-Siddiq li daf‘i l-zindiq is almost   Arabic sentences. This is the typical way   Aceh at the time, Sultanah Tajul ‘Alam   loan words indicated the intellectual level
 an Arab-Malay paragraph to paragraph   of presentation in book literature of the   Shafiyatuddin Shah. Abdul Ra’uf Singkel,   of the authors and showed that they were
 translation.  period under discussion. Shamsuddin   with the help of his brother, wrote the   scholars who were sufficiently qualified
 as-Sumatrani, who was a prolific writer         in the field of religion. Van Ronkel
 Fa ‘allaftu wa tarajjamtu hadhihi   treatise in Pasai-Malay because he was
 l-risalata bi l-jawiyyati min kutubi   ---although only someof his works have   no longer very fluent in Malay after his   called this pattern “Arabism” and it
 l-shufiyyati wa ghayrihim. So I   reached us--- also used inter-linear   long stay in Arabia. 36  was much like the use of English now
 composed and translated this treatise   translations in his early works. He used   The works of the Muslim scholars   a days. Examples of Arabism are the
                                                 titles of the books in this book literature
 Pasai-Malay as did Nuruddin ar-Raniri.
 into the Jawi language from books on   described above clearly show that in   that always use Arabic, even when they
 mysticism and others.  In his Mir’atu l-Muhaqqiqinhe copied   th  th
 sentences from the original Arabic and   the 16  and 17  century, Malay had   are translations in Malay. Like wise, a
 Wa sammaytuha hujjata l-siddiqi li   he put his inter-linear Malay translation   evolved into an established language,   number of words that are standard in
 daf‘i l-zindiqi. I named this treatise   34.  Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Raniri and the   35.  Imran T Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua   37. Ph. S. van Ronkel, Mengenal Pengaruh
 hujjata l-siddiqi li daf‘i l-zindiqi   Wujudiyah of the 17  Century Aceh, (Singapore:   Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian   Tatakalimat Arab terhadap Tatakaliat Melayu,
 meaning the arguments of all the wise   Malaysian Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, 1966),   (ed.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, ….., p. 249.  (Jakarta: Bharata, 1977), p. 11-13; Imran T
 p. 81-2; Imran T Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua   36.  Imran T. Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua   Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua Franca Islam”,
 Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian   Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian   Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian   in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian (ed.), Indonesia
 (ed.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, ….., p. 245.  (ed.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, ….., p. 248.  (ed.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, ….., p. 249.  dalam Arus Sejarah, ….., p. 250.

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