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made up of eighty-seven chapters and    kingdom of Johor at length, especially                century as found in classical Malay texts,   in 1831 and used ---on the order of   The royal palace of
                                          contains 1,687 entries. His Kamus Logat   the political behavior of its Kings. For            especially the Taj as-Salatin.         Sultan Hamengkubuwana I--- as aguide       Buton. The Buton
                                          Johor Pahang Riau Lingga (Dictionary of   Raja Ali Haji, the greatness of Malay                                                      for the royal political elites of the palace.   Sultanate in Southeast
                                          Johor Pahang Riau Lingga Dialects),to   Johor in the past was an example to be                Malay Language Development in          Moreover, the text of Taj as-Salatin       Sulawesi presents
                                          be a basic tool in the reconstruction of   emulated by the rulers of his time whom            the Archipelago                        has also inspired the writing of the text   vital evidence of the
                                          words that had been miskaenly used      he judged to have deviated from the                   Malay was not only used in the kingdom   Budi Istirahat Indra Bustanul Arifin in   development of the
                                          became of the users could not refer to   norms of Islam.                                      of Aceh, the language had spread to    Makassar, South Sulawesi, which had        Malay language in the
                                          the original sources. 56                If the Tuhfat resembles Malay                         almost all the regions in the Archipelago.   the same function as the Taj as-Salatin   archipelago. The Malay
                                          It should be emphasized however         historiography, the Thamarat and Intizam              In line with the increasingly intensive   in Yogyakarta.                          language was the formal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          language of the kingdom,
                                          that Raja Ali Haji’sthoughts about      contain the political principles the kings            Islamization process and the involvement   The case of the Kingdom of Buton       used for political and
                                          language revolved around the efforts    and the political elites of the realm                 of the regions inthe archipelago in    in Southeast Sulawesi presents             commercial diplomacy
                                          of restoring Malay culture. He had      should adopt as their guiding sources. In             international trade, Malay had become   important proof of the development        as well as for a number
                                          witnessed the political and economic    both works, Raja Ali Haji promoted the                more widely used in the archipelago.   process of the Malay language in the       of socio-religious texts.
                                          problems that had hit the kingdom and   Malay kingdom’s political way of thinking             The Europeans (Dutch and British) also   Archipelago. Malay was the official      Source: Directorate of
                                          saw the fundamental changes that had    which he formulated based on the past                 started to use Malay as their working   language in the kingdom and used for      History and Cultural
                                          been taken place in the Malay world.    experiences of the kingdom he had                     language in administration and as      political diplomacy and trade, and for a   Values, Ministry of
                                          His Buku Pengetahuan Bahasa was         described in the Tuhfat. The Thamarat                 a means of communication with the      variety of socio-religious texts. Buton’s   Education and Culture
                                                                                                                                        indigenous people throughout the British
                                                                                                                                                                               manuscript collections demonstrate this
                                          meant to be used for Malay cultural     contains advice and instructions for the              and Dutch colonial territories, particular   cultural phenomenon. Among the 301   of the Republic of
                                          revitalization. His other important works   rulers so that in exercising their power          in the Malay kingdoms.                 manuscripts that have been collected,      Indonesia.
                                          are the Tuhfat al-Nafis (Precious Gift),   they might learn from the stories of                                                      a large number, that is 102 manuscripts
                                          Thamarat al-Muhimmah (Rewards of        earlier Malay rulers.                                 The development of Malay led to        were written in Malay, much more than
                                          Important Duties), and Intizam Wazaif   At a closer inspection, one can see that              an intensifying process of cultural    those written in Arabic (84 manuscripts)
                                          al-Malik (Systematic Regulation on      see that Raja Ali Haji in his book trie to            interaction. The text of the Taj as-   and the local Wolio language (75
                                          the King’s Duties). The third text is an   revive the kingdom’s political system,             Salatin,can be taken as an example.    manuscripts). The colophons in the
                                          important work especially with regards   which had already been well established              Written by Bukhari al-Jauhari in 1603in   manuscripts confirm that the Malay
                                          to the history and politics of the Malay   in the Malay world. He thought that the            Aceh, it was not only influential within   manuscripts are older than the Arabic
                                          kingdoms. In the Tuhfat al-Nafis he     imperial system was the ideal model                   the Malay world, especially in Aceh,   and Wolio ones. Malay manuscripts
                                          explained the history of the Malay      for the political structure in the Malay              but also in other kingdoms in the      were written in the 17  and 18
                                          55. Hasan Junus, Raja Ali Haji: Budayawan di   world. In fact, this seems so strong           Archipelago. Peter Carey  noted that it   centuries, where as manuscripts written
                                          Gerbang Abad XX, (Riau: Unri Press, 2002), p.   that his political ideas, especially in the   was copied in the Palace of Yogyakarta
                                          115-116.                                                                                      57.  Peter B.R. Carey (1975) “A Further Note on   58.  C. Pelras, “Religion, Tradition, and the
                                          56. Hasan Junus, Raja Ali Haji: Budayawan di   Thamarat, in some important respects           Professor Johns’ “Gift Addressed to the Spirit of   Dynamics of Islamization in South Sulawesi”,
                                          Gerbang Abad XX, ….., p. 120.           lean on the political thoughts of the 17              the Prophet”, BKI 131, pp. 341-344, p.344.  Indonesia, 57, 1985, pp.133-154.

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