Page 13 - Online Fasting Journal 2020
P. 13

The benefits of fasting far outweigh its challenges.  Not only will we benefit physically by
             taking a break from processed foods and our traditional rich diets during the holidays,
             but the physical benefits of fasting are just the beginning.  We fast primarily because of
             spiritual benefits, which are priceless!  The sacrifice is well worth the results because
             God is faithful to hear our cry!

             The fewer the number of calories you are take in, the more you will experience physical
             challenges while fasting.  For example, if you are on the Daniel Fast, you are eating
             fruits and vegetables, lentils, grains etc. and you are getting calories.  However, be-
             cause of the abstinence from meat, sugar, bread, and other items, you will experience
             some withdrawal discomfort.

             This is also true for those on the one-meal fasts (with soup or a meal) but may be more
             of a challenge because caloric intake has been drastically reduced.

             The first three days of the fast are probably the most difficult. You will probably experi-
             ence headaches, hunger, and perhaps even dry mouth. While, these symptoms usually
             subside after the first few days, there are a few things I can suggest you do to limit their

             1. Take a mild laxative at the beginning of your fast
             2. Take an enema or mild laxative every 5-7 days
             3. Abstain from eating sugar and simple carbohydrates
             4. Plan to drink plenty (about 3 quarts) of water daily
             5. Don’t engage in strenuous exercise or physical activity
             6. Get plenty of rest.



                                                      of fasting

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