Page 14 - Online Fasting Journal 2020
P. 14

Let me explain…

             One way to limit headaches during your fast is take a mild laxative or enema before
             you begin. Once you begin the fast, I would suggest an enema every 5-7 days, if need-
             ed. This will reduce the toxins and help in the physiological changes or adjustments we
             experience with fasting.

             Another thing you will experience is withdrawal from sugar and carbohydrates. These
             effects usually consist of strong cravings, strong hunger pains and even some sluggish-
             ness. The best way to reduce these symptoms is to abstain from eating sugar and
             simple carbohydrates on your fast. However, drinking lots of water will help consider-
             ably.  Again, plan to drink plenty (about 3 quarts) of water daily.

             As the fast progresses, remember prolonged fasts have a greater physical impact on
             your energy level. So, don’t plan to workout at the gym or engage in other stren-
             uous physical exercise until after the fast. You will also need to get plenty of rest to
             maintain your strength as the fast progresses. This is particularly true if you are on the
             soup or one meal fast because of the drastic reduction of caloric intake.



                                                      of fasting

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