Page 13 - July2017
P. 13

The Tail section or Empennage is made up of four main   B-Jet powered Engines can be further broken down into
            components                                           two sub groups

                                                                    1- TURBOJET (CT-114 Tutor) which include the
                                                                    turboprop and turbofan engines
                                                                    2- RAM JET (Hiller Helicopter)

                                                                                  E-THE LANDING GEAR

            1-STABILIZER – gives the aircraft LONGITUDINAL STABILITY   The function of the landing gear or UNDERCARRIAGE
             2-ELEVATORS – gives the aircraft LONGITUDINAL CONTROL   is to take the shock of landing and to support the
             3-FIN – gives the aircraft   DIRECTIONAL STABILITY     weight of the aircraft and enable it to maneuver on
             4-RUDDER – gives the aircraft DIRECTIONAL CONTROL      the ground. In today’s aircraft the undercarriage is
            TRIM TABS – Located in the Rudder and Elevator are      made as either
            installed to assist in their movement
                              D- THE ENGINE
            The modern aircraft engine of today can be classified
            as two types with each type broken down into
            subgroups. These are:-


            A-Piston Powered Engines can be further broken down     2-RETRACTABLE
            into three subgroups;                                   These two styles can be further broken down into
                                                                    two types;

                                                                    1-CONVENTIONAL with a tail wheel (DC-3)


                                                                    2-TRICYCLE with a nose wheel (P-38)


            PROPELLER Types, either variable or fixed pitch can be
            metal or wood.
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