Page 13 - RTO Materials Catalogue September 2018
P. 13

BSBAUD504                                                                                               BSBCRT401
     Report on a quality audit
                                                                                                             Articulate, present and debate
     BSBCMM101                                                                                               ideas

     Apply basic communication skills                                                                        BSBCRT501

     BSBCMM201                                           RTO MATERIALS'                                      Originate and develop concepts
     Communicate in the workplace                                                                              BSBCUE203
                                                         NEW SCENARIO                                        Conduct customer engagement
     Process customer complaints                         BASED QUESTIONING
                                                                                                             Collect data
     BSBCMM401                                           HAS HELPED
     Make a presentation
                                                         IMMENSELY TO BE                                     BSBCUE205
     BSBCMM402                                                                                               Prepare for work in a customer
                                                                                                             engagement environment
     Implement effective                                 ABLE TO PROVIDE
     communication strategies
                                                         OUR STUDENTS WITH                                   BSBCUE301
     BSBCOM401                                                                                               Use multiple information systems

     Organise and monitor the                            THE INSIGHT INTO                                    BSBCUE303
     operation of compliance
     management system                                   WHAT COULD OCCUR                                    Conduct a telemarketing campaign
     BSBCOM406                                           WHEN THEY ARE OUT                                   Provide sales solutions to
     Conduct work within a compliance
     framework                                                                                               customers
                                                         THERE WITHIN THE
                                                         WORKPLACE.                                          Work effectively in customer


                                                                                                             Conduct outbound customer
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