Page 17 - RTO Materials Catalogue September 2018
P. 17

BSBIND301                                                                                               BSBINM601
     Work effectively in an educational                                                                      Manage knowledge and information
     BSBINM201                                                                                               Contribute to workplace innovation
     Process and maintain workplace                      I HAVE BEEN VERY
     information                                                                                             BSBINN301
                                                         SATISFIED WITH THE                                  Promote innovation in a team
     BSBINM202                                                                                               environment
     Handle mail                                         CUSTOMER SERVICE
     BSBINM301                                           OFFERED TO OUR                                      Establish systems that support
     Organise workplace information                                                                          innovation
     BSBINM302                                                                                               BSBINN502
     Utilise a knowledge management                                                                          Build and sustain an innovative
     system                                                                                                  work environment
                                                         THE FOLLOW-UP
     BSBINM401                                           COMMUNICATION                                       BSBINN601
     Implement workplace information                                                                         Lead and manage organisational
     system                                              DURING AND AFTER                                    change

     BSBINM501                                           PURCHASE OF                                         BSBINT401
     Manage an information or                                                                                Research international business
     knowledge management system                         RESOURCES IS VERY                                   opportunities

                                                         SUPPORTIVE, AND THE                                 BSBINT409
                                                                                                             Plan for international trade
                                                         QUALITY OF THE
                                                         MATERIAL IS MOST                                    Comply with organisational
                                                                                                             requirements for protection and
                                                         SATISFACTORY.                                       use of intellectual property

                                                                                                             Protect and use brands and
                                                                                                             business identity
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