Page 18 - RTO Materials Catalogue September 2018
P. 18

   Manage intellectual property to
   protect and grow business

   Maintain business technology                          I HAVE BEEN USING

   BSBITU101                                             RTO MATERIALS AND
   Operate a personal computer
                                                         THEIR PRODUCT FOR
   BSBITU102                                                                                                 BSBITU306
   Develop keyboard skills                               MANY YEARS NOW, IN                                  Design and produce business
   BSBITU201                                             MY CAPACITY AS
   Produce simple word processed                                                                             BSBITU307
   documents                                             BOTH A COMPLIANCE                                   Develop keyboarding speed and
   BSBITU202                                             CONSULTANT AND
   Create and use spreadsheets                                                                               BSBITU309
                                                         RTO GENERAL                                         Produce desktop published
   BSBITU203                                                                                                 documents
   Communicate electronically                            MANAGER, AND WILL
   BSBITU301                                             CONTINUE TO DO SO                                   Design and develop complex text
   Create and use databases                                                                                  documents
                                                         INTO THE FUTURE FOR
   BSBITU302                                                                                                 BSBITU402
   Create electronic presentations                       MYSELF AND MY                                       Develop and use complex
   BSBITU303                                             CLIENTS.
   Design and produce text documents                                                                         BSBITU404
                                                                                                             Produce complex desktop
   BSBITU304                                                                                                 published documents
   Produce spreadsheets
   BSBITU305                                                                                                 Communicate effectively as a
   Conduct online transactions                                                                               workplace leader
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