Page 19 - RTO Materials Catalogue September 2018
P. 19

BSBLDR402                                                                                               BSBLED101
     Lead effective workplace                                                                                Plan skills development
     BSBLDR403                                                                                               Develop teams and individuals
     Lead team effectiveness                             THEIR MAPPED LEARNER
     BSBLDR404                                           WORKBOOKS, ASSESSOR                                 Develop a workplace learning
     Lead a diverse workforce                                                                                environment
                                                         GUIDES, SESSION PLANS
     BSBLDR501                                           AND SLIDE                                           BSBLED502
     Develop and use emotional                                                                               Manage programs that promote
     intelligence                                        PRESENTATIONS ARE ALL                               personal effectiveness

     BSBLDR502                                           EASY TO CUSTOMISE TO                                BSBMED301
     Lead and manage effective                           OUR STUDENT                                         Interpret and apply medical
     workplace relationships                                                                                 terminology appropriately
     BSBLDR503                                                                                               BSBMED302
     Communicate with influence                                                                              Prepare and process medical
                                                         TOGETHER WITH THEIR                                 accounts
     Implement diversity in the                          RESPONSIVE CUSTOMER                                 BSBMED303
     workplace                                                                                               Maintain patient records
                                                         SERVICE, IT IS A PLEASURE

                                                         TO DO BUSINESS.                                     BSBMED305
                                                                                                             Apply the principles of
                                                                                                             confidentiality, privacy and
                                                                                                             security within the medical
                                                         MANY THANKS FOR BEING                               environment

                                                         A RELIABLE SUPPLIER
                                                         OVER THE PAST DECADE.                               Show leadership in the workplace

                                                                                                             Implement operational plan
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