Page 22 - RTO Materials Catalogue September 2018
P. 22

   Forecast international market and
   business needs

   Promote products and services to                      YOU GUYS
   international markets

   BSBMKG514                                             NEVER CEASE
   Implement and monitor marketing
   activities                                                                                                BSBMKG527
                                                         TO AMAZE ME.                                        Plan social media engagement
   Conduct a marketing audit                                                                                 BSBMKG530
                                                         YOUR                                                Create distributed multiplatform
   BSBMKG516                                                                                                 digital advertisements
   Profile international markets                         EXPERIENCE
   BSBMKG517                                                                                                 Manage the marketing process
   Analyse consumer behaviour for                        AND CUSTOMER
   specific international markets                                                                            BSBMKG605
                                                                                                             Evaluate international marketing
   BSBMKG522                                             SERVICE IS IN A                                     opportunities
   Plan measurement of marketing
   effectiveness                                         LEAGUE OF                                           BSBMKG606
                                                                                                             Manage international marketing
   BSBMKG523                                                                                                 programs
   Design and develop an integrated                      YOUR OWN.
   marketing communication plan                                                                              BSBMKG607
                                                                                                             Manage market research
   Design effective user experiences                                                                         BSBMKG608
                                                                                                             Develop organisational marketing
   BSBMKG525                                                                                                 objectives
   Design effective web search
   responses                                                                                                 BSBMKG609
                                                                                                             Develop a marketing plan
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