Page 32 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
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                                                                                    The  U.S.  Department  of  Labor  (“DOL”)  is   Most  organizations  utilize  insurance  as  a  way
                                                                                    stepping up the number of audits it is performing,   to mitigate risk.  Too often, however, no one is
                                                                                    it has added new rules increasing the fiduciary   reviewing the organization’s insurance policies
                                                                                                                         to determine if they are effectively mitigating risk
                                                                                    responsibility of plan sponsors, and the number
   ADDITIONAL                                                                       of  employee  suits  of  plan  sponsors  is  on  the   for  the  organization. The  Board  should  ensure
                                                                                                                         that  a  proper  evaluation  of  the  organization’s
                                                                                    rise.  It is important for the Board to understand
                                                                                    the  organization’s  fiduciary  responsibility  and
                                                                                                                         insurances is being performed.
                                                                                    ensure  compliance  with  DOL  regulations.  As
                                                                                    part of its responsibilities, Boards should:
                                                                                                                               EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
   BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES                                                           ►  Review  with its investment  advisors the   It is the Board’s responsibility to hire and evaluate
                                                                                      investment choices to determine if investments
                                                                                                                         the performance of the Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                                      are underperforming and if investment fees
                                                                                      are appropriate;                   and  in  many  instances,  other  key  members
                                                                                                                         of  the  management  team.  Formal  evaluations
       M    ost  Board  members                                                     ► Have  the  plan  benchmarked  to  determine  if   should be performed, and compensation should
                                                                                      fees paid by the plan are appropriate;
            understand  that  it  is
                                                                                                                         be  linked  to  such  evaluation.  Furthermore,  in
            their   responsibility   to                                             ► Meet  with  your  plan  auditors  (if  your  plan   setting executive compensation, it is important
      provide  fiscal  and  programmatic                                              requires an audit) to determine if the plan is   to  perform  a  salary  study  to  determine  if
      oversight   and   guidance   for   the                                          in compliance with DOL regulations; and  compensation  is  reasonable  and  supportable,
      organization they govern; however, they are                                                                        given  the  compensation  of  other  similar
      not always aware of some of the other areas                                   ► Meet  with  your  human  resources  staff  to   organizations in your marketplace.
      that Board members should be involved with                                      determine how plan compliance is being
      in order to properly oversee the organization                                   monitored.                         These  are  just  some  of  the  main  issues  that
      they  are  involved  in.  These  responsibilities                                                                  should  be  of  concern  to  Board  members  and
      can  be  performed  at  the  Board  level,  or                                In addition, Board members should take the time   discussed  at  Board  meetings.  The  key  is  to
      through a committee of the Board, such as a                                   to read through the plan document to familiarize   understand how the organization you’re involved
      compliance  committee,  audit  committee,  or   ►  Appointing                 themselves with the terms of the plan.  with operates and the issues that are impacting
      finance committee, as described earlier.  a Medicaid/                                                              it  and  its  industry.  This  will  help  ensure  that
                                           Corporate Compliance Officer to oversee          INTERNAL CONTROLS            you are making proper decisions in helping to
       CORPORATE/MEDICAID COMPLIANCE       the Compliance Program;                                                       mitigate risks and concerns and help move the
                                           Educating  the  organization’s  staff,  Board   Most  Boards  believe  that  the  internal  control   organization forward.
      If  your  organization  receives  $500,000  or   members, and others regarding appropriate   environment is the responsibility of management.
      more  in  Medicaid  funding,  it  is  required  to   behavior and compliance;  While management is responsible for designing
      have in place a formal Medicaid Compliance                                    and   implementing   an   effective   control
      Program. Even if you don’t receive Medicaid   ►  Providing  staff  members  with  the  ability   environment, it is the Board’s responsibility to
      funding,  but  you  receive  funding  from   to report instances of non-compliance  or   ensure that the control environment is operating
      other  government  sources,  you  should  still   fraud without fear of reciprocation;  effectively.  This  can  be  accomplished  by  the
      consider  having  in  place  a  compliance  ►  Developing a  formal  risk  assessment  and   Board reviewing controls (documentation of the
      program  to  ensure  that  the  organization  is   testing strategy; and      control environment), hiring an internal auditor
      properly  complying  with  contract  terms   Monitoring  areas of  non-compliance,   to  test  the  control  environment,  and  through
      and  regulations. This  goes  beyond  a  quality   ►  developing  corrective  action  plans, and   discussion with external auditors.
      insurance function, and includes:    self-reporting where necessary.

                                         There should be regular (at least quarterly)
                                         reporting to the Board as to the status of the
                                         Compliance Program and findings, if any.

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