Page 36 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
P. 36


                                                                                                                        ►  Program  trend  analysis  will  be  unique
                                                      LIQUIDITY –                                                         from  agency  to  agency,  depending  on  the
    The  statement  of  functional  expenses  reports   SHOWS THE ORGANIZATION’S                                          organizations’ operations and funding sources.
                                                                                                                          Some examples include:
    the  natural  classification  of  the  expenses  (e.g.   ABILITY TO MEET ITS FINANCIAL NEEDS IN
    payroll,  fringes,  rent,  etc.)  that  were  spent   THE NEXT FISCAL YEAR:            TREND IN NET ASSETS:            ∆ Total program revenues less expenses (this
    on  the  organization’s  programs,  general  and  ►  Is  measured  by  working  capital  (current                       could be in total or by funding source).
    administration,   and   fundraising   activities.   assets less current liabilities) and current ratio   ►  A  Board  member  would  want  to  see  the   ∆ Sources  of  revenue  (what  percentage  of
    Many  donors  focus  on  this  schedule,  because   (current assets divided by current liabilities).   organization’s  net  assets  increase  over  time,   an organization’s revenue  is coming from
    they  are  interested  to  see  what  percentage  of   You  want  to  have  at  least  positive  working   or  at  least  remain  fairly  consistent. A  steady   each  revenue  stream)  help  to  identify
    an  organization’s  expenditures  are  spent  by   capital.                      or  continuous  increase  in  net  assets  means   concentrations in revenue.
    the  organization  in  a  program  service  capacity                             the  organization  is  operating  efficiently  (i.e.
    (program service percentage).        ►  It  measures  the  ability  of  an  organization  to   programs are appropriately run and expenses   ∆ Revenue and/or expense per unit of service.
                                           meet  its  current  obligations  with  the  current   are controlled). Growth in net assets typically   Trends in units of service (important for fee-
    The  statement  of  cash  flows  reconciles  the   assets  it  has  available.  Banks  like  to  see  a   means better cash flows and better liquidity.  ∆ based revenue streams).
    beginning  of  the  year  cash  balance  to  the  end   current ratio of approximately 1.5 to 1.
    of  the  year  cash  balance.  The  cash  activity  is                                EXPENDABLE NET ASSETS:           FUNDRAISING EVENT PROFITABILITY:
    separated  by  three  types  of  activities:  operating,   DAYS IN CASH:       ►
    investing,  and  financing.  The  statement  of  cash  ►  The  number  of  days  the  organization  can   It’s important when looking at an organization’s  ►  The  profitability  of  an  organization’s
    flows combines the statement of financial position   operate  with  its  cash  balance  (as of the   net assets that you also understand if those net   fundraising event(s) is measured by the total
    and the statement of activities to help you to better   statement  of  financial  position  date)  without   assets are available for use by the organization.   revenue  raised  from  the  event  less  the  total
    understand the sources and uses of cash within an   bringing in any additional resources.   Too  often,  organizations  have  significant   expenses  associated  with  the  event.  This
    organization.                                                                    levels of net assets, but they are still having   measurement  can  assist  in  determining  if
                                         ►  Depending on how an organization is funded,   difficulty meeting their day-to-day obligations.   an  event  is  worth  continuing  or  should  be
           FOOTNOTE DISCLOSURES:           an appropriate days in cash figure could range   Expendable  net  assets  take  an  organization’s   modified to potentially generate more income.
                                           from 45 days (organization with a consistent   net  assets,  removes  long-term  assets  (e.g.   A good rule of thumb is you would like your
                                           monthly  funding  stream)  to  as  much  as  a   property and equipment,  security deposits,   events  to  generate  at  least  three  times  the
    ►  The  footnotes  disclose  information  about   year  (an  organization  with  one  big  annual   restricted  resources),  and  adds  back  debt   related expenses.
      the  organization,  its  programs,  significant   fundraising event or appeal).  Understanding   related to the removed assets. This will really
      accounting  policies,  detailed  information  on   days in cash can provide a quick insight into   hone in on the level of expendable or usable   PROGRAM SERVICE PERCENTAGE:
      significant  accounts,  and  commitments  and   whether or not an organization is having, or is   net assets the organization really has. After all,
      contingencies. The footnotes are an important   going to have, cash flow issues.  you can’t pay your staff with bricks from your   ►  This represents the percentage of every dollar
      aspect of the financial statements as they add a                               building.                            that  is  spent  on  running  the  organization’s
      better understanding as to the detail behind the   DAYS IN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE:                                     programs.  The  higher  the  percentage,  the
      numbers on the statements.                                                         PROGRAM TREND ANALYSIS:          more  dollars  targeted  to  program  activities.
                                         ►  The number of days it takes an organization                                   The nature, size, and funding sources of your
    In  addition  to  the  information  presented  on  the   to collect on its receivables. Depending on the   ►  A significant measurement of an organization   organization  will  all  impact  your  program
    financial  statements,  Board  members  should   type  of  funding  an  organization  receives,  a   operating effectiveness is based on the success   service  percentage.  Larger  organizations,
    be  familiar  with  certain  key  benchmarks,  trend   Board member would want to see the number   of  its  programs.  It’s  important  to  see  if  a   government funded organizations, and health
    analyses, and ratios that will help them to better   of days to be no more than 45 and to see the   program is profitable, break-even (i.e. deficit-  and  welfare  organizations  all  tend  to  have
    understand  the  meaning  and  impact  of  many  of   days  decrease  over  time,  or  at  least  remain   funded, where the organization is reimbursed   higher program service percentages.
    the  numbers  on  the  financial  statements.  This   consistent.  Days  in  accounts  receivable  are   for the expenses already paid to run the
    information is often looked at by funders, banks,   typically more relevant for organizations that   program), or operating at a loss.   By  having  a  better  understanding  of  your
    and other users of the financial statements to assess   rely on regular revenue streams (such as fees               organization’s  finances,  by  being  more  engaged
    the  organization’s  fiscal  health.  If  these  ratios   for service  or regular government vouchers)              in  financial  discussions  and  by  understanding
    are not strong, it could impact an organization’s   than  those  that  are  more  fundraising-driven.               the impact of the financial information, you can
    ability to obtain funding. The most common trend   If  an  organization’s  days  in  receivables  are               identify concerns or opportunities early on.   This
    analyses and ratios include the following:  greater than its days in cash, the organization                         will put you in a better position to help steer the
                                           may have cash flow issues if a line of credit is                             organization forward and ensure that it is able to
                                           not in place.                                                                maximize its organizational impact.

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