Page 35 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
P. 35


    A  Board  member  should  be  familiar  with  the  ►  Restrictions  on  net  assets  are  created  by  the
    information  that  is  presented  in  the  financial   donor. Temporarily restricted net assets can be
    statements.                            restricted as to time and/or purpose and will be
                                           considered  “released  from restriction”  once
     THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION   the  restriction(s)  has  been  met.  Permanently
           HAS THREE CATEGORIES:           restricted  net  assets  generally  are  held  in
                                           perpetuity  (Board  may  have  some  control
 ost  Board  members  are  not
 M  expected to be nonprofit financial   AN UNMODIFIED OPINION IS WHAT    1.  ASSETS  over this depending on the wording in the
                                           donor’s gift)  and  typically the  earnings  from
 experts,  but  they  should  have  a  basic   AGENCIES ARE STRIVING FOR,    Most  common  assets  of  an  organization  include   the principal amount can be used for general
 understanding of the information in the financial   BUT WHAT IS AN UNMODIFIED OPINION?  cash,  investments,  accounts  receivable,  prepaid   operations  or  temporarily  restricted  for  a
 statements  that  is  presented  to  them.  Having  a   expenses,  and  fixed  assets.  The  assets  are   specific purpose.
 basic understanding will help them better govern   ►  The   presented in order of liquidity (how fast the asset
 a nonprofit and allow them to better understand an   purpose   can be converted into cash).  Current  assets  are   ►  Net assets will increase or decrease based upon
 organization’s financial position, cash flows, and   of  an  audit   those  assets  that  are  generally  expected  to  be   the results of its operations as reflected on its
 results of operations. This is important, as it is the   is  to  opine  on  the   available  for  use  within  a  one  year  cycle  (such   statement of activities.
 role of the Board to ensure that the organization’s   information   presented   as cash, receivables, and prepaid expenses) and
 funds are used prudently, and that the organization   in  the  financial  statements.   long-term assets are those that cannot be used in   THE STATEMENT OF
 is  fiscally  sound  enough  to  fulfil  its  mission.   Once  the  audit  of  the  financial   the near term (such as property and equipment and   ACTIVITIES INCLUDES:
 By  having  better  fiscal  insight,  Board  members   statements is complete, the auditor will   restricted cash).  ►  Support  (contributions, grants, and net
 are  better  able  to  read  and  interpret  financial   give an opinion as to whether the information   fundraising income)  and  revenue  (fees for
 reporting and ask the necessary questions of the   presented  in  the  financial  statements  is  in   2.  LIABILITIES  services and program service revenue).
 organization’s  internal  fiscal  staff  as  well  as  the   accordance with accounting principles generally
 external auditors.  accepted in the United States of America, better   Represent  the  current  (generally due within one   ►  Net  assets  released  from  restrictions,  which
 known as “GAAP.” An unmodified opinion is a   year  from  the  statement  of  financial  position   represents  the  use  of  an  organization’s
 To  have  a  basic  understanding  of  the  financial   “clean” opinion in which the financial statements   date, such as accounts payable, and current debt   restricted  net  assets. The  amount  is  reflected
 statements,  a  Board  member  should  be  familiar   are presented in accordance with GAAP and the   obligations) and future (such as long-term debt and   as an increase to net assets without restrictions
 with  the  common  components  of  financial   information presented in the financial statements   contingencies) obligations that the organization is   and a decrease in net assets with restrictions
 statements:  is not materially misstated.    expecting  to  meet  through  the  use  of  its  assets.   under support and revenue. The concept of net
 ►  Statement of financial position (balance sheet)  In  essence  these  are  liens,  or  anticipated  liens,   assets  released  from  restriction  is  that  once
 WHAT ARE GAAP-BASED    against an organization’s assets.  a  purpose  or  time  restriction  is  met,  usually
 ►  Statement of activities (profit and loss)  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS?  through the use of the funds, these resources
 ►  Statement of functional expenses  3.  NET ASSETS  are no longer restricted and should be included
 ► Statement of cash flows  ►  To be in accordance with GAAP, typical not-  in net assets without restrictions.
 for-profit financial statements must include the   The  difference  between  total  assets  and  total   ►  Expenses,  subtotalled  by  program,  general
 ►  Footnotes  statements and footnotes noted above.  liabilities.  It  represents  the  portion  of  the  assets   and  administration,  and  fundraising.  These
    that  the  organization  owns  (not allocated for a   amounts will agree to the totals reported on the
 The Independent Auditors’ Report is shown before   ► The  amounts  presented  on  the  financial   liability).  statement of functional expenses.
 the financial statements. This report provides the   statements  are  recorded  on  the  accrual  basis
 period under audit, the responsibility of the auditor   of accounting (revenue recorded when earned   Net  assets  fall  into  two  categories:  without   ►  Some  people  think  that  a  nonprofit  cannot
 and  management  for  the  audit  of  the  financial   and expenses are recorded when incurred), as   restriction  (also includes net assets that are   make a profit. A nonprofit is a business, just
 statements, and the auditors’ opinion.  opposed  to  the  cash  basis  (revenue recorded   designated  by  the  Board  for  specific  uses) and   like any other business, and it should strive to
 when received  and expenses recorded when   with  restriction  (includes temporarily restricted   create appropriate “profitability” and establish
 paid).  Many  smaller  organizations  maintain   and permanently restricted).    adequate  reserves  to  develop  strong  fiscal
 their  books  throughout  the  year  on  the  cash   viability.
 basis and convert to the accrual basis for their
 annual audit.

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