Page 15 - Volunteer Handbook
P. 15

Volun�eer S�ee�

          Check the area(s) in which you’d like to volunteer and turn this sheet
         into the church offi  ce or place in the off ering plate on Sunday mornings.
        NAME:                                                       PHONE #:
           Acolytes                         Sunday Life Group
           Christmas Decorati on            Wednesday Night Group
           Crucifers                        Special Events & Theme Nights
           Liturgists                       Community Outreach & Missions
           Ushers                           Youth Sunday
           Greeters                         River of Life
           Altar Guild                      Transportati on
           Funeral Ushers                   Host Homes
           Welcoming Team
           Transportati on                  MISSION & SERVICE MINISTRIES:
           Communion Stewards               Work Day Volunteer
           Sound/Video Technicians          Backpack Buddies
           Worship Committ ee               Meals on Wheels
           Music Committ ee                 LOVE Mentors
                                            Regional Missions Trip
           MUSIC MINISTRIES:                Internati onal Missions Trip
           Adult Handbell Choir             Missions Committ ee
           Chancel Choir                    Missions Acti viti es Fundraising
           Music Assistants
           Volunteer Instrumentalists       NURTURE MINISTRIES:
           Arts on Skidaway                 College Outreach
           Summer Choir                     Flower Ministry
           Music Library                    Helping Hands
           Robe Captain                     Meal Ministry Team
                                            Memorial Recepti on
           CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES:           Prayer Ministry Team
           Pre-K                            Prayer Square Team
           Early Elementary                 Visitati on Committ ee
           Retreat Chaperones               Wedding Coordinator
           Summer Camp Teachers/Aides       Funeral Coordinator
           Music Explorati on Chaperones
           Drama Camp                       FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES:
           Nursery Team                     Coff ee Team
                                            Fellowship Dinner
           Adult Educati on                 Communicati ons Committ ee
           Small Group Leaders              Att endance Team
           Sunday School Class Leaders      New Member Team
           Support Group Greeter            New Neighbors
           Rotati on Stati on Leader        Stewardship Team
           Rotati on Stati on Shepherd      Church Offi  ce Volunteer
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